Chapter 28

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Niel stormed out of the bedroom and stomped his way through the packhouse. He wasn't trying to be sneaky, he could care less if anybody saw him leaving. He would come back when he knew his mother was safe and sound.

Of course, his stampede wasn't left unnoticed. The Delta, Ezra, immediately informed the Alpha about the strange behavior of his mate. Atlas was already planning on checking in with Niel. He wanted to know how the teenager would use his new freedom.

Both werewolves made their way outside, it was where Niel last was seen. Atlas looked around and saw his mate in the distance nearing the cars. "He's going to regret this," He spat as if the phrase was a curse.

Within mere seconds Atlas stood in front of Niel, who was just trying to enter one of the cars. "You disappoint me greatly," The Alpha growled. He grabbed Niel's arm and pushed him further away from the car.

"I wasn't-"

"Sure you weren't. The second I give you some of your freedom back you use it against me. The second I gave it to you!" Atlas was enraged. His anger blinded him. The Alpha didn't notice the tears that were streaming down his mate's face.

"Ezra bring Othniel to our room and make sure to take his phone." Atlas then turned to Niel. "Go with Ezra, now!" The Delta made his way over to the teenager and signaled him to start walking.

"No, I am not going."

"Your Alpha just gave you an order, now walk," Ezra hissed. He had it with the stubborn teenager. He did nothing but create problems for his Alpha.

Niel had it too with the Delta, he was his biggest hater. "What is your deal?!" He screamed.

Ezra who always tried to be composed always listened to his Alpha finally lost it too. "You filthy humans are making me sick. First, you kill us and now you are making problems for our Alpha. You, humans, don't know anything about living together. You are greedy and arrogant and most of all dangerous! You have no appreciation for life... your kind killed my mate and I will never forgive the humans for that. Alpha Atlas deserves a much better mate."

Everybody was quiet, none of the pack members could ever predict their Delta would voice out his thoughts as he was a good follower of commands. Everybody knew Ezra would always put the pack first then himself. Even when his mate died Ezra was soon back into his function as Delta.

"Well, I hate humans too! I was often ignored, bullied, or beaten. It was my father and others who pushed my brother to kill himself, it was my father who beat me, and they were all humans. And it was my father again who beat my mother so badly she is in a hospital right now!" Niel let out a huff and turned toward Atlas. "And that is why I was leaving. I wanted to see my mother, but I would have come back if you just let me explain it. I am sorry I didn't come to you first. I was upset."

"I am sorry about your mate. I want you to know that I condemn what the humans did to your kind. And that I will never, ever take their side." Niel lowly said to the Delta.

It was the Beta who broke everybody up and send them away until only Atlas, Niel, and Ezra were left. "How about we take this inside?"

"No, I need to go," Niel stated.

Atlas sighed. "I really disapprove of how you handled this Niel, but fine. On the condition that I join you." The teenager could agree to that.

Five minutes later the Alpha couple was on their way to the hospital. Niel felt anxious. He had no idea what his mother's condition was. But he was also anxious about Atlas. He had screwed up and let his emotions get the best of him. He should have known better by now.

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