Chapter 26

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It was late in the evening when the Alpha couple took residence in a hidden room. Atlas made sure this room remained secret to his pack, everybody but one. His mate. Niel knew about the room for a couple of days. The room was located under their bedroom, all at the far end of the mansion. This was the side that viewed partly the forest and partly the lake, the side where only patrols would visit when needed to. It was, for this reason, Atlas chose the room to be located there. It wasn't grand, it was rather small. Only a large couch, a bookcase, a small tv, and an armchair fitted inside of it.

The first time Niel was there it was a rather short visit. The teenager and the big guy were tired that evening so they only sat there, next to each other looking out of the window, while enjoying each other's embrace.

But this particular evening Atlas felt energized. He wanted to make this evening a romantic one if, of course, Niel would let him. He had chosen a movie and had brought some snacks and drinks.

The teenager let himself fall on the couch. "Are you tired, love?"

"A bit, not really though," Niel lied. He was tired. He was busy training to gain his muscles back. It was hard work as he wasn't used to training anymore. It had both saddened and encouraged him.

Atlas put the movie in the television and chuckled, "Don't lie to me Niel, I know you have been training every morning." The Alpha disagreed with his mate's behavior but he let him. He would look out for him and the moment Atlas thought Niel would overstep, he would put a halt to it.

Niel's eyes widened as he sat up straight. "I-I- You have seen how my body has become! I-" Atlas held his hand up and smiled. "It's alright, it's alright. All I want for you is to be careful. Listen to your body."

The Alpha walked up to the scared teenager. He took his hand in his and carefully pulled Niel up and guided him towards the big armchair where the Alpha put him in his lap. Niel was surprised. It had felt awkward.

"Relax," Atlas whispered tenderly. He put his arms around his mate's body and made sure he was comfortable. The tension in Niel eased away as he welcomed the embrace. He always felt incredibly safe in Atlas' arms. He couldn't describe how a warmth would spread through his body, how his worries ebbed away, how the world would make sense at that moment.

A part of him was still apprehensive. The part of him that still questioned his sexuality, his beliefs, and his wants. But he tried to let go of them. Niel had always felt on edge in his old life with his parents. Always afraid he would not get recognition from his father, his family, his peers, and his community. But with Atlas, he didn't need to fear. He would be seen just how he was and not be judged for it. The teenager felt sometimes upset that he couldn't notice this sooner. It would have saved lots of trouble, he thought, as his hand stroked his neck, his fingertips feeling the rigid edges of his scar.

"I am so sorry I did that. I still can't believe I let my beast take over me. If just-"

"Atlas, you already apologized... let's not focus on the past." Niel didn't want those memories to resurface again in his mind.

"You are right," Atlas gave a kiss on the scar causing tingles to spread all over Niel's skin, making him shiver with excitement. "Sorry," The Alpha chuckled, "Didn't mean to do that."

The teenager playfully punched him. They both laughed but as soon as they made eye contact Niel's laughter died down and he looked away.

Atlas noticed this strange behavior for a while now. He grabbed his mate's chin gently and turned his head until they face each other. "Why is it that you can't make eye contact with me? Or anyone else for that matter?"

"I don't know, it's hard to explain..." Anxiety washed over the poor boy. He started to fumble with the hem of his shirt again like he always did.

"Try me. It saddens me I can't look into those gorgeous eyes of yours," The Alpha whispered. Those grey eyes captivated him from the first time he saw them up close. Its color was unique, but what was even more peculiar was the truth they held. Niel wasn't a good liar, and it was the boy's eyes that would always give him away.

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