Chapter 23

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"What didn't I tell you?"

"That I have to carry children! I am not doing that Atlas. First of all, I am not a girl. Second of all, and I told you this, again and again, I am not gay! I don't want a uterus and I don't want to have sex with you!"

Niel's words echoed through the hallway, silencing both men.

Atlas didn't know what to say for a moment. He was angered and hurt by his mate's words, but he didn't want to lash out, not again. He had to take a couple of deep breaths before he could respond.

"Okay, I know this must have been quite the surprise. But yes, I did plan to have pups with you. Of course, I wanted to wait to tell you this once you were settled a bit better."

Niel couldn't believe this. "Didn't you hear me?! I don't want that!"

Atlas sighed for the umpteenth time this day. "Look, there is a time and place to talk about this, but it's not now. Can we pause this so we can go back to the party?"

Atlas wasn't ready for another temper tantrum from his mate. The conversation he had earlier was already exhausting. Packs didn't want to work with him anymore as the royal family wasn't supporting his pack like they used to. It was unfair. His pack made sure the rogues stayed away far from the kingdom's borders, his borders. They were ungrateful in his opinion.

Niel remained silent.

"Well? Are you going to behave or not?"

"I want to go home."

"That's not going to happen. We need to stay here to at least the end of the evening." Atlas stood up and waited for a response from Niel. The teenager felt numb. The panic had washed away and was replaced by a paralyzing feeling. He had given so much and felt like there wasn't much given back to him.

When the Alpha didn't get a reply he put his hand on the back of Niel and guided them to the ballroom again.

The people present weren't too delighted to speak to the newly mated couple, especially because of Niel. Whispers were going around, spreading rumors about the human. Unfortunately, it circled back to the couple.

A Delta from the Night Walker Pack stepped toward Atlas. "It's quite the move Alpha Atlas to bring a hunter here."

Atlas frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I mean your mate."

"Niel isn't a hunter, and he also doesn't come from a family of hunters. Who is spreading this misinformation?"

"My apologies Alpha, but it's going all around," That was the only thing he said before leaving. His apology seemed shallow and it had no sincerity to it.

Atlas was done with this party. He decided on an early leave. The couple said a quick goodbye to Boaz and Lena and left.

It was quiet in the car. It was quiet on their walk toward their bedroom. It was quiet when they got ready for bed. When Atlas was ready to settle in his bed, Niel remained standing. "I want to sleep in my old room tonight."

"Please Niel, for the love of the Goddess, we went over this already."

"Just... just for tonight Atlas. I want to be alone."

Atlas got out of bed. "Do you know what I want? I want a mate who would listen to me one fucking time. Every time I ask you something I have to move mountains for you to listen to me! Is it so hard to do what you are being told for once!" Atlas let out an angry sigh. "You have made a bad impression on the others at the gala. They thought you were a hunter! Do you know how bad that is if that will circulate amongst the Kingdom? You have not only embarrassed me but also my pack..."

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