Chapter 21

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The shopping spree was experienced differently by the three of them. Rain was having the time of her life. She always wanted to shop for a whole completely new wardrobe, even if it wasn't for herself. She loved she could build a whole new style for Niel because he needed it, the shewolf thought.

Atlas enjoyed spending time with his mate. He had to work the past few days and therefore he couldn't be much with him. Also, the fact he could give something to his mate gave him great joy. The Alpha like he could take care of Niel.

Niel, on the other hand, had a horrible time. He was dragged from place to place. It was either Rain grabbing his arm and dragging him behind her. Or it was Atlas gently pushing Niel in the right direction with his hand on the teenager's back. And the only reason why Niel let him was that the teenage boy had hoped if he was in the Alpha's favor he could go home earlier.

Rain had pointed at another shop when Niel had enough. His hands were full of bags, Atlas's hands were full of bags and his legs were tired.

"I can't, I can't do this any longer."

"Oh come on, just this one and then we'll go look for a suit," Rain tried to convince him.

Niel groaned. He had forgotten about the suit.

"I think we have done enough shopping for the day Rain," Atlas said while putting his hand again against Niel's back. And for once the teenager leaned into the touch as he was drained.


Atlas held up his hand. "We have done enough... Now let's go take a look for a suit." The three of them had to walk to the other side of the mall again, making Niel sigh again. "I promise you we will go home after this and then I will treat you to a nice evening." The Alpha whispered into his mate's ear.

Niel shivered, but not in a good way. It creeped him out, made him anxious even. Although he liked the thought of going home. The three of them made slowly their way to the other side of the mall. It was packed with people now schools were done with their classes and parents were done with their work. Just as they were a couple of feet away from the store Niel heard his name from afar.

"Niel! Niel!"

The teenager slowly turned around, his eyes widened with shock as he saw the person in front of him.

"It is really you..." Lucas commented.

"Lucas... uhm... what- why are you here?" Niel tried to push Atlas away from him and stepped aside. The alpha didn't want his mate to be left alone with another male, but he noticed the awkwardness and wanted to spare any more for his mate. So with great displeasure, he left for the store.

"I can't believe it," Lucas mused to himself. "I thought I would never see you again..."

"Yeah me too," Niel admitted. He had missed his old life, but seeing Lucas made his homesickness ten times worse. The longing to go back grew with the second. He would rather be in a sweaty locker room talking to Lucas about soccer than standing here in a mall buying a suit for a werewolf party.

The boys first didn't know where to start so Niel first asked, "Why are you here?"

"Buying a suit for prom. You?"

The teenager grew nervous, having no idea what to say. The best thing he could come up with was, "Something similar."

Again a silence fell between them two, the only sound being heard was the sounds of shopping people in the mall.

It was Lucas' curiosity that continued the conversation. "Where-where have you been staying? What happened? You look kinda good for somebody who is living on the streets..."

"Who is saying I am living on the streets?"

"Well, when you suddenly left everybody connected the dots... rumors of you being gay, your dad kicking you out... After all that happened to your brother, there were two stories that went around. One, you live on the streets. Two... that you killed yourself... sorry."

Niel wasn't surprised, although it still hurt.

"So which one is it?"

"Well, I am standing here, so it's not the second one, but also not the first one."

"But if you don't live on the streets then where are you staying... wait a minute. That guy, wasn't he the same guy who brought you to school?... Wait, are you living with him? Are you really gay?"

Niel was shocked. He shook his head and tried to get a word in but his friend didn't let him. "So you lied to us, to me! Wow, I thought we were friends, best friends even and you couldn't be even honest with me?!"

The teenager was stunned. "So now you won't even talk to me?!"

"... Lucas it is nothing like that. It's way more complicated, I-"

"Complicated? Complicated is your answer? You will have to do better than that Othniel. Have a good life." And that was the last thing Niel would ever hear from his one and only best friend. He just stood there as he saw Lucas walking away from him.

Niel felt upset, he didn't mean to lie. In fact he never lied. Till this day he still strongly believes he was not gay. And Lucas knew better, he knew that Niel would never lie. Niel was an awkward but honest person. Wasn't Lucas the person at fault here? Or was he strongly against gay people like the rest of town and let that cloud his judgement? The teenager was left with questions that would never be answered because it was the last time he would see his best friend.

Niel was brought out of his trance when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Atlas. "Everything alright?" Niel didn't want to relive what just happened and nodded his head. "Who was that?"

"No one important... let's go to the store." A smile settled on the Alpha's lips, happy that he didn't have to worry about that other male.

Immediately upon entering the store they were welcomed warmly. Atlas had come there ever since he was a teenager with his parents, and his parents came to that shop before he did.

Niel was surprised but went with it as Rain and Atlas were comfortable with it all. The staff, Rain, and Atlas all helped pick the right suit. Rain's choices are all turned down by Atlas which caused a great deal of frustration for Rain. "Just let him try it on, you never know. Maybe he will look awesomely handsome in this one," She held up a fire red suit.

Niel was glad Atlas was disagreeing with the choice. He knew he would stick out like a sore thumb at that gala if he wore that.

Finally, Atlas and a staff member named Greg settled on three suits for Niel the try on. A black one, a dark grey one, and a dark green one. The last one wasn't Atlas' choice, but Greg convinced him. The dark green color would suit nicely on the slightly tanned skin of Niel. He could thank his mother for that as she was the one who carried the Hispanic genes in his family.

The first two options weren't popular with either of them and it made Niel impatient. He just wanted to go home. He could care less what he would wear at that gala. After seeing Lucas all he wanted was to be left alone.

As he moved the curtain showing off his third suit of the day, the dark green one, an immediate positive response was heard.

"Oh yes!" Rain cheered. Greg hummed in agreement and Atlas smiled.

"So I guess we take this one?" Niel asked.

"Yes, we will take this one," Atlas signaled Greg to make it happen and Niel's favorite part of the day had arrived, going home.

Within half an hour the three sat back in the car. Now Atlas was driving, Niel was sitting next to him, and Rain was in the back. 

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