"Leave it alone Lily." Steven said horsely, and he dropped himself on the couch.

"You too have not been happy for a while now, is there something I can do to help?"

"I said leave it the fuck alone!" Steven yelled, "mind your own fucken business!"

Alice rushed to Lily's side and whisked her away to the kitchen, "Don't take to heart what he says honey, Steven is going through something and it's best to leave it alone for now."

Lily was hurt by her brothers mean reaction and she shed a few tears, "I'm not happy here Alice, there is too much tension in this household."

"Why don't you and me go do some shopping?" Alice suggested, "then we can have lunch at that new restaurant that opened up downtown."

Lily's eyes glistened with tears, but she smiled, "I think I'd like that, what about dinner?"

"I have pot roast in the oven and it's almost ready, and when we return I can make a few side dishes and a salad."

"Let's go then what are we waiting for!" Lily chimed, and they both grabbed their purses and ordered John to drive them downtown which he was only too happy to oblige.


"Hello?" Jeff sounded frustrated.

"Hey, I was thinking to go for lunch at the Cafe Lucci, wanna come?"

"I'll meet you there in ten!"

Steven lifted himself off the couch and let out a deep sigh, he wanted to go first to Abby but knew that she would reject his approach, so he grabbed his keys and wallet and left the condo. He took a cab to Cafe Lucci and found that Jeff was already there and seated at the far end of the Cafe checking out the menu.

"Thank you for coming," Steven seated himself and grabbed a menu, "I needed to get away desperately."

"I know what you mean, I have one at home too and her tantrums are getting worse."

"I'm not talking about the children Jeff I'm talking about Abby!"

"I know and I wasn't talking about the children either," Jeff explained, "I was talking about Claire!"

They both laughed wholeheartedly until the server came and took their orders. Steven stared at Jeff for a moment, this could be his brother he thought.

"I need to tell you something deep." Steven said in a serious tone of voice, "and shocking."

Jeff raised an eye brow, "Don't know if I'm capable of hearing more drama, I have a basket case on my hands at home and she is fucken draining me!"

"This is extremely important and confidential, but I must tell you regardless, and hope you will bury it and not reveal it until the right time."

Steven's finally had Jeff full attention, "What I'm about to tell you may and can destroy lives, I want to tell you because I trust you and I can not keep it to myself any longer, I'm dying inside and don't know what to do!"

"Are you having an affair?" Jeff asked.

"That would never happen in my lifetime, I love Abby and do not care to ever cheat on her." Steven explained, "what I have to tell you is deeper than that and very damaging."

The server brought their food and as soon as the server left Steven explained in great detail his entire situation. Jeff nearly fell of his seat. Too stunned to speak, he listened quietly until Steven had confessed everything.

"So you carried this burden with you this entire month?" Jeff asked, "why didn't you come to me with this earlier."

Steven stared at Jeff and smiled, "We might be brothers you and I, imagine that."

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now