"I have been patient with you because I love you, I have bent over backwards for you because I want you to be happy. I have been a fool for you because I can't live without you, I have begged for your trust and loyalty from the day I have met you, but all you can do is demean me at every turn!" He told her hoarsely, "what the hell do I have to do to win your trust, haven't I given you my all? What else do you want Abby, tell me and I will bring it to you!"

Abby stared into his deep, blue, angry eyes and swallowed, he was right, everything he had said was true, but she needed more validation that he loved her, until they married she would never feel satisfied and she would live in fear of losing him.

"Tell me Abby!" He demanded, "what the fuck else do you want me to do for you to make you happy!"

Closing her eyes, she allowed the tears to flow down her face, she was terrified that he was disgusted of her behavior and she was afraid to speak.

"Speak!" He roared, "tell me what else I can do to make you trust me!"

"I'm sorry." She cried, "I'm just scared."

Narrowing his eyes at her, Steven pulled his head back and stared down at her, God she's beautiful, he thought, as fear of one day losing her gripped him. "I'm scared too Abby." He told her in a broken voice.

Confused, Abby stared up at him, "Why?"

"Because I love you, because I worship you, because I can't live without you and all this that we have is too good to be true and that scares the hell out of me!" He told her hoarsely.

And suddenly they were back in Wisconsin dells, in their hotel room. Abby's heart pounded wildly against her chest, this is her Steven, the boy who she had fallen in love with six years ago, the boy that had grown into a man. A man she couldn't live without, a man that she loved with all her heart and all her soul.

He looked at her look at him, and the sudden realization that she would never change claimed him. But the truth was he didn't want her to change, he didn't want to change anything about her. He adored her just as she was. His Abby, his woman, the mother of his children.

His true soulmate.

He crashed his lips over hers, it was a bold, breathless kiss that shook Abby's world, and when he finally tore his lips away from hers, without saying another word, he dropped his face to the swell of her breasts and closed his eyes.

The two of them lay there for the next two hours without speaking or moving, no words were necessary, no explanations needed. Their world revolved around the love they had for each other and nothing else mattered.


"Someone needs to speak to my brother," Lily crossed her legs, "he needs to understand her feelings, and be more sympathetic with her."

"Your brother is very sympathetic with Abby, I know it doesn't seem like that to you, but I know Steven very well and I know their love story and he adores her." Alice said, "I've never met another man who loves like that." As soon as the words rushed out of her mouth, Alice turned fifty shades of red. She had forgotten that John was sitting with them and when she stole a look at him, he was looking in her direction.

"Even so," Lily said, "Abby is pregnant and her hormones are jumping all over the place, and Steven needs to check his emotions at least until she gives birth!"

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now