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"Zhan gē need to eat, let me help you with that, turn around will you..? Look at me, I'm not gonna bite..."

"Hah!~...bite who..? Why don't you start biting that nurse who was gnawing at you while drooling...hah! Bite me...tsk.."

"Zhan gē....are you perhaps jealous or...?"

Zhan's instantly became red and he looked away to control his breathing, the fact that Yibo was teasing him like that and the worst being him half naked showing his bare chest that was constantly inviting him to touch and feel wasn't helping his situation. His heart had it's own pace it wanted to run while his mind was in chaos. 'why do I have these kinds of feelings for him, this has never happened before with anyone. 'why do I have these kinds of feelings for him..? This has never happened before with anyone...and I don't like boys...ok Zhan...stay calm...breath and face the current situation... fast!'   Zhan thought to himself as he looked back at Yibo to answer him.

"Jealous...?of what..? Yibo...I don't get jealous that easy and besides...I have no reason to get jealous with or for you...I don't like boys ok.."

"Zhan gē...I don't like boys either, but what if I feel attracted to a boy...? The kind that I don't understand...would that make me gay..?"

"Wh...what are you t-talking might be attracted to many after that, then maybe it means you were gay all along."

"No Zhan gē...what I feel is completely different from anything I've ever felt, I have never been felt like this and even though I dated back in Korea...I felt know...I wanted girl, I like girls...I have never even once felt something for a boy until...until-..."


"Ahh...忘了它...Wàngle tā...(* Forget it*) you won't understand, even I don't understand myself in this..let's eat, I'm starving I haven't eaten anything since this morning. Come on..let me help you with the you first "

" don't have to, I will do it myself. I'm not crippled you know...I have been taking care of myself for years, today is no different.."

"Zhan gē know I won't let you do that, sometimes I wonder why you keep on refusing me when you know very well that I won't back down...or do you like it when I oppose you..."


Yibo helped feed Zhan by injecting food into his breathing tube, he had never done it before and he wanted to be the one to do it for Zhan. He had asked one of the doctors that had come in to check on Zhan while the other one was trying to spill the secret he had asked them to keep. Yibo was so nervous while feeding Zhan and he concerntrated on what he was doing, oblivious to Zhan's stares. Zhan kept looking at him, memorizing his face for the millionth time, he felt important to be treated that way by someone else. He had been taking care if himself for so long because of his work that had set quite a distance between him and his parents.

They would call each other or video call every evening which made him miss them more, but he had no choice since he had to make a living for himself. Yibo finished feeding him and wiped the tube and out away the syringe and other stuff he was using and made sure he was alright before he started eating his own food. Zhan finally noticed his surroundings after thirty minutes of staring at Yibo when Yibo opened the dishes to eat. Zhan's eyes shot out in disbelief. The food that was prepared for Yibo was from a five star hotel, every dish was decorated and artfully and carefully that the dish looked to good to just put it in display other than eating it.

"Hoo oh!!.. Yibo...are you sure this is a hospital or a five star hotel ?...those dishes look like they were done by a professional chef."

"That's because they were cooked by one, most of their patients get extra care and there also VVIP rooms here where the visitors get treated like they're in a hotel. You see that couch..? It's actually a bed and I can set up those curtains if I want for privacy. There are many interesting things in this hospital that I can't even count,  why do you think this hospital topped all the hospitals in Chi–.."

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