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In deed...Yibo was just four minutes away from where Larry and Zhan, Barry made sure to overtake every car that was on their way but just before the intersection where Larry was supposed to park their car...there was a huge truck that looked impossible to overtake. It was a car dealer truck that seemed to be transporting brand new cars to the dealership and Barry knew it wasn't safe to overtake such a huge truck. So...he drove at a normal speed for almost two minutes until the the truck took another lane and that was the lane where Barry was supposed to get off the highway to park near Larry and Zhan.

He wasn't patient but it's not like there was something he could do even when the truck flickered it's emergency flashers. Clearly indicating that the truck had n emergency problem...Barry couldn't drive past it even if he wanted to. Yibo was so impatient even though he was just a few seconds away. He was so close but yet so far and he felt as if he could get out of the car and run to Zhan. It was something he should have done if it was possible, because the second they reached Zhan and Larry's car and parked on the side behind it and got off the car and went to Larry and Zhan's was too late. Yes...both Larry and Zhan were gone and there was no sigh of them around except for fleet of cars and trucks that were racing to their destinations.

Yibo felt himself going crazy.... literally, he had a bad feeling about it and not even Barry could say anything to calm him down when he saw that it was time to tell his boss his plan. It was clear by the signs of struggle in the car that they were taken. All the doors were open, the emergency lights weren't flickering like they should have been,  and the car keys were on the grass outside the driver side. Yibo saw a mess but Barry saw a clue, he checked the car again and looked inside and outside to check the sigh which only he himself knew about. He looked to have found it cause right on the brake pad was a piece of paper which looked to be a candy wrapper. It had missing letters which seemed to be poked by something a car key or something and the words left on the wrapper spelled some words which Barry took a few minutes to think what they meant.

As soon as he figured it out...he looked at Yibo who was at the time trying to call Larry's phone and not Zhan's. He knew they were taken because that person wanted Zhan and he didn't want him to get hurt all because calling Zhan could anger the one who took the and also make them trace his number. But calling Larry would make the kidnappers think that Larry was being called by his colleagues or his wife or something. It was a great strategy Yibo adopted all the years and Barry thought it to be great idea. Things like being kidnapped was a usual thing for his bodyguards, they had gone through quite a few where two times they were kidnapped by Yibo's business rivals and they caught one of them off guard and many times they planned to be kidnapped.

Yes..they would set traps for themselves to get kidnapped on purpose because they knew they had the ability to "unkidnap" themselves...(if you know what mean) Barry realised that the current situation was the same but it didn't mean Zhan was only meant that Larry acted stupid to be also take by those that took Zhan. He was a master at acting stupid when in truth he was the best tracker, hacker and computer expert that no one has ever known. He could send a message to a phone remotely using a calculator or  a watch, he could take thousands of prices of a phone or any kind of gadget map and use it without one noticing. All in all...he was the best at what he does, but Yibo mostly didn't feel at ease when Larry got kidnapped because he was the tracker...

Loosing Larry meant they had a delay of up to three hours before finding him, which was whe he grabs a hold of any device to send them a location secretly. Barry turned to Yibo whose tears were on the verge of his kids and looked at him before he said...

"Boss...Im sorry about Zhan...Larry did this without any notice even though it was planned now it–"

Those few words were enough for Yibo to catch what he never thought he could hear. He felt like he was sitting right next to the furnace as he felt his temper raise making his while body heat up in an instant. He traced back the words Barry said in anger as he was fuming mad and said...

AWAKENED HEART  (The first heartbeat)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें