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The next morning Zhan woke with puffy eyes from crying himself to sleep. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he checked was if Yibo was on the bed with him. Unfortunately for him, there was no sign that Yibo slept on their bed last night. Zhan's heart clenched dissapointment settled in after realising that he slept alone. He was about to get up and go to the bathroom when an email came through, he took his phone from the nightstand and read it's content.

It was from the new drama that he was supposed to shoot, apparently they had an incident that had happened while setting up the props and two of the people were heavily injured. It was a mistake that was made within the company since they cut off the budget. That left a little for the prop team to work with and since it wasn't enough, they had to work with what they had. When the higher ups found out about the incident, they investigated and found our what had happened. The drama was then cancelled and it was found out that there was not even enough money to pay the actors. Some rumours indicated that someone ran away with money while some suggested that there was never enough money to work with anyway and everything had to be rushed to save money.

After Zhan read the email, he sighed, put his phone down and continued to the bathroom. Whilst in the bathroom, he heard another email come through which he went ahead and read after finishing his morning business. That morning business was different that what he knew that morning. He was hard yes, he peed for long yes but...his nipples were hard and they stood up like he was feeling cold. The other thing which he was aware of was how he felt sick and how he felt weak a minute after he three up.

That only lasted for ten minutes then he was gone to being his normal self. That was something he was trying to get used to and he would stay in the bathroom for that duration of ten minutes plus until it was over. Yibo was unaware of that because before then, Zhan had no idea he was pregnant even with the first sign of his hard nipples. But when he started feeling sick, he realised that it was not a normal thing, especially since it happened every morning.

When he was feeling better, he would stand up from the bathroom floor which he sat and pulled his head out of the toilet bowl, head to the shower and take a long warm shower. He always came out feeling like a new person, like he didn't just have his morning sickness. His morning sickness lasted for a few minutes which made him very lucky since other women complained that it took hours or the whole day for them to feel better. Another thing was how they wouldn't sleep well at night, tossing and turning almost the entire night when Zhan's only problem at night was   him craving Yibo before bed, just like last night when Yibo left without giving him anything.

When he came out of the bathroom, he went straight to  nightstand and checked the email that had been sent whe he was headed to the bathroom. It was from Mr Wei and he had sent him the details about a new drama which Zhan had to prepare for. Since the one he was preparing for got cancelled, there was no time to waste and he took another one for Zhan. When Zhan read the contents, his face lit up after realising that he still had another shot before he stayed home for the pregnancy. He put back his phone on the nightstand and walked out if the bedroom to go find Yibo.

When he opened  the door he was met with the most kind smile he had started to get used to. It was aunty, the older maid who was waiting by the door,waiting for Zhan to come out so that she could clean the room. They exchanged greetings and before Zhan could walk away, he asked if Yibo was at home. The aunty told him that he was in the in the kitchen waiting for him to have breakfast together. That made Zhan so much happy as he walked down the stairs, he had recieved good news so early in the morning, that meant that there was nothing that could go wrong for the day.

When he reached down stairs, Yibo and his men were indeed in the kitchen waiting for him. After he greeted them, he went to sit down next to Yibo by the counter to tell him the good news. Yibo was smiling, mimicking Zhan's smile and how excited he was when he sat down and held his arm. It was like he had forgotten about what had happened the night before. Barry and the others were looking at him like a kid who was given his favourite candy as he told Yibo..

AWAKENED HEART  (The first heartbeat)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora