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"Mr have been training so hard, please have some water first, you can continue afterwards"

"Ok...thank you...what did you say your name was again...? I must have forgotten since a lot has happened lately."

"I don't remember you asking name is Yang Cheng...but you can call me James, that's my friends call me"

"Ok James... Sorry about earlier, I had a lot going on so I'm sorry about earlier. I guess I need to learn to trust a few people, I have been betrayed many times and that's why I don't like attachments. Anyway...I don't think you're a bad...or are you....?"

"'m harmless, I also don't trust people that easily. That's why I sometimes say bad things to those who try to befriend me. I used to think it's better to trust yourself than others, but I guess I should also learn to trust others.... especially you since you and I have similar experiences."

"Really...were you betrayed before..."

"Not in that sense but...I helped someone once and they promised me something. When that time came...they didn't even think about me.."

"Well...I once helped someone and it turned out that very same person was sent to destroy my career. So many things have happened and I guess I changed after that incident. I don't know... I guess people have their own secrets to hide but they don't realise that they are hurting those who trust them the most. Anyway...let's continue before we get scolded.."

"Alright...but...but...Mr Yibo...why aren't you training with Mr Xiao today...? I thought you two were meant to pair up for your roles."

"You know...I think it's best if he and I focus on what we came here for, I helped him when he needed help, but it doesn't mean I trust him to that extent."

"Ok...that's good. I think both of you should focus on your work because people were starting to gossip around here."

"Already...can't I offer help when someone is dying infront of me..? I guess good deeds are not counted huh...? Anyway ...what were the rumours..?"

"They said you and Mr Xiao are dating secretly and that you two must have planned to go out together to have your time together so you faked the while incident...anyway...that's what I heard..."

"Ha~ha~ha...what...? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. He told me before that he was allergic and he also asked me to show me how to handle him when he had eaten something he's allergic to. If I didn't help him and then he complains that I have left him to die on purpose then won't the media chew me out for being irresponsible..? They might even day I caused it. I don't want that, I just hope from now on he becomes careful cause I'm not going to help him again."

"Good, atleast people will stop talking that nonsense about you and Mr Xiao behind your backs"

"Then what did you think..?"

"Me..? Ha..ha well...I thought they were true since you didn't even want me staying with you two. But not anymore...I just think you're a responsible man, you helped him just like you helped me."

Wang Yibo changed his eyes in a flick, the became cold in an instant and looked at Xiao Zhan's direction, James saw this and he smiled inwardly. He was rejoicing to finally having time to spend with Yibo himself. He looked at someone in the crowd and it looked like they both saw it and smiled to each other before continuing.Yibo continued spend the rest of the day with James while James kept on giggling catching the attention of Zhan once in a while. Later in the evening everyone went to their respective rooms, as well as  Yibo and James who bid goodnight to each other before parting.

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