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"Just because you had a role with Yibo, it doesn't make you worthy of him. Just take your scrap car and leave this place this instant. !!"

She had not seen the blood on Zhan's pants and when she said that, Zhan had already been holding on his last thread of consciousness before he passed out. After Zhan had passed out, she felt scared, very scared. She had underestimated Zhan's injuries to the scrapes on his hands and she didn't think that wouod be such a big deal, considering that Zhan was a man. Those scrapes meant nothing...right...?


"Mother! Father! Get here immediately or I will not be blamed for what happens!!"

Yibo three hi phone across the room after disconnecting the call. He was pacing back and forth in the living room as if waiting for people who were just a few minutes away from him. His men were not feeling better either, two of then were sitting on the chairs, holding each other's hands with their eyes closed. It's like they were praying for life, while the other was standing u against the wall with his head looking up the bright ceiling lights without any care of being blinded.

In the other room, the doctor was pacing up and down. It was not just any doctor, it was Jake and one of his trusted assistant. Sheets were stained red and metal clanked against metal as surgical equipments were being tossed against the metal tray. The sounds were scary for someone who was waiting for outside, worried about the one inside. The movements inside the room were far more stressed than those outside because of how close Jake felt to the patient.

The patient, Zhan, was laying unconscious on the bed with his clothes ripped apart and only a sheet covering with bloody body. The only part Jake was focused on was his owner part of the body, the part where the Wang heir was being  held and grown. He had not lost a lot of blood and because his pregnancy was still early, dangers were visible of loosing the baby. That's was what Jake was trying to prevent.

Three hours later, Jake opened the door of the operation room and removed the mask covering his face. The gloves covering hands were filed with blood and he had to take them off and tools them in the bin and the surgical gown tossed into the laundry basin before he went to meet Yibo to tell him the news of his beloved. Yibo looked like he wasn't in a hurry to hear the news yet when Jake stood infront of him, but everyone there knew he was scared and that's why he was acting that way.

"Zhan is fine and the baby is fine aswell, what caused the bleeding..I'm not sure since everything looks normal. There are some changes which I need to speak to you privately about. But don't worry about that for now, we can wait till Zhan is well so we can discuss it."

"But...but he was bleeding, you saw how serious and concerning it looked, how can he and the baby be fine after that..?"

" That's why I said we need to wait for Zhan to get well first so we can talk about it further. I will have to keep him here for rest and also for monitoring since it's the first time in my medical career witnessing this. So we'll see what the results say when they come back, hopefully he can be discharged tomorrow."

"Thank you Jake, I don't know what would've happened if you didn't do what you did and of you weren't close by when that happened."

"Don't worry about that, you, Zhan and I are way passed doctor and patient relationship. So obviously there's nothing I can't do to help when you need me to. Besides...thanks to you guys, I experienced and still am experiencing the most unique and most miraculous experiences in my entire life that I'm sure no one had ever witnessed before. No need to thank me"

The smiles exchanged were pleasant before Yibo, Barry and Larry went back to the mansion while Baba stayed behind. He didn't want to leave Zhan there, he liked Zhan so much that he would end blaming himself for not caring enough or not protecting when he should've. He was sitting in Zhan's hospital room, waiting for him to wake up. He didn't even want to go out and have some coffee or juice outside in the hospital's cafeteria, that's how worried he was.

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