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" You... little girl...your men got arrested a few minutes ago outside the Xiao residence. So..good luck in getting your daddy to help you out this time, cause I think he won't even if he wanted to. I'm gonna make sure of that."

"If you think so, then it means you don't know who my father is...( Victory chuckle) I will be released before I even enter the police station."

"Well...I know your father, which is why I said what I said."

Fang was shocked at what Yibo had said to her, lucky for her, she knew when to stop talking...this time. She didn't know if Yibo really knew her father or not, but she knew that if he did...he could end up messing up his father's name and his business could get ruined. The police did their search for the cameras that were planted in the condo and took prints off of them. They didn't take the camera for privacy purposes as per Yibo's request, he knew if that footage was to get to the wrong hands...things would be bad for Zhan. He didn't care about himself but Zhan, just like all the time he took doing all the planning with his men. The police also asked if it was ok to check the footage at the hospital to find out when the cameras had been out and by who.

For that...they had to speak to the hospital manager, the camera which was also in Zhan's ward room was not taken. Baba had given it to then since he had already took it the day Yibo and Zhan left the hospital, so the police took prints on it too.The police left with the cousins and the house fell into silence, Yibo came back from escorting the police out, he locked the door and put his hand at the back of his neck massaging it of its stiffness of exhaustion from a log day he had. He walked to Zhan who was standing in the middle of the room his eyes focused at nothing in particular as he still remembered what had transpired that evening. He felt hurt by his best friend who had also invited a new enemy into his life whom he didn't even know.

He was thinking how his life became a mess just when he landed a role he loved and he had his plans set out that he was going to give his best in it. He always wanted to land a challenging role and the one he got was just what he needed because of the character he played. What he didn't know was that fate was using him to play a twisting role for some to witness and him to be the character of it twists and plots. He stood there and sighed loud that even Yibo couldn't help but feel sorry for him for being betrayed by someone he trusted. He walked over to him he stood infront of him and placed his hand on his shoulder when Zhan flicked it off. He was shocked at that and right when he was about to ask, Zhan lashed out on him...

"Don't touch me..!! you think I'm a puppet you could play around with when you're bored and toss away when you're done..? How could you do this to me...? You knew all along but you kept playing with my feelings and emotions and hurt me while laughing at my stupidity behind my it wasn't nothing. Are you satisfied now...?I hope you are because as you can see...I'm shattered, I hope you feel good about yourself.."

"Zhan gē... that's not what I meant to do, I'm sorry but I didn't want to tell you before I was even sure myself. I'm sorry Zhan gē ok..?."

"Before you were sure..? Then how do you explain what happened at the hospital..? You knew exactly what was going on that you even told the doctor to discharge me. (Painful chuckle) you know...I thought I could trust you, I'm glad you didn't give me a chance to invest my feelings in you."

Yibo stood there feeling so down, what Zhan said really made sense that he didn't even want to stop him to explain further. He had played Zhan because he had only told him what to do instead of explaining everything to him. Zhan wasn't a kid who couldn't handle matters like that, he had been so mean to him and treated him bad just to satisfy his ego at Zhan's expense. Zhan went to his room and closed the door before going to sit on the bed. He cocooned himself and pulled his knees to his chin and hugged his legs while crying. He felt like everything was over for him and that he was wrong to trust the people he had trusted. He laid back on the bed and cried himself to sleep.

AWAKENED HEART  (The first heartbeat)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon