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Zhan dozed off while his nostrils were taking in Yibo's intoxicating scent that he missed. Yibo smelled different that anyone he knew,'s not like he smelled others before. But Yibo smelled good even when he had just finished working out in the gym in the East wing of the mansion.

Zhan dozed off feeling kind of tired from work, he he was going back to work the day after tomorrow and he knew he needed much rest. When he woke up it was already lunch time and a knock sounded at the door which woke Zhan up. Zhan opened his heavy eyes and got off the bed, soft knocks still sounding at the door and he opened up.

He was welcomed by a kind smile and a whiff of food, his mind was still fuzzy that he couldn't even register what the person at the was carrying on her hands. She called onto him after realising that he was...well...seemed as if he was sleep walking cause he had his eyes closed and standing drunkenly at the door holding a door handle with one hand, while the other scratched his head. He was fully woken by what the person said next.

"How wonder my boss likes you very much.."

"What...? Oh..!'re here..?"

" Yes..I brought you food, you need to eat and then freshen up. After that you can go back to sleep. I will wake you up at dinner time, you missed breakfast today."

" Oh! Don't worry about it, I'll wake up when Yibo gets back and have dinner with him.."

" Uhm..I'm afraid that won't be possible, Mr Wang will be coming back tomorrow at dawn. He has a lot of work to do since he missed a lot when he went to race. So.. I'll wake you up ok (smile)?"

Zhan felt the cold wind brush roughly against his body and his face when he heard that. What was he supposed to do when Yibo is not home in those lonely hours. He thought for a bit and then smiled and said..

"It's okay aunty, I'll come down and have dinner. "

But the answer he heard made him feel worse.

"I'm sorry son...Mr Wang gave us orders. You are not allowed to step out of the bedroom. He asked only me to come upstairs only to give you food. I knocked in the morning to give you breakfast but you didn't answer. I already broke that order, I hope Zhan doesn't tell boss about skipping breakfast. I don't want his trouble."

All Zhan could say was ok '. He had thought Yibo was just saying all that cause he was angry. He didn't think he meant it and right at that moment, looking at the tray of food that has been brought ..he didn't feel hungry anymore.

His heart had not for once stopped feeling heavy and it got so uncomfortable that he cried when it got worse. He was thinking about Yibo and his heart bore the consequences of it all. He took the tray and went back inside the bedroom after thanking the older maid and closed the door.

He wondered why Yibo didn't tell him he wasn't coming back later since he was already awake when he left for work. He has the time to tell his people to never allow him to step out of the bedroom but he didn't have time to tell him straight in the eyes..?

Zhan felt really sad and he didn't even realise he was crying until he felt his face get colder by the tears. He ate his food and went to take a shower. When he was done, he took the tray and went to put it outside the door on the table in the hallway right beside Yibo's bedroom.

How he wished he could go outside in the garden but all he could do was close the door. He went towards the window that viewed the back front garden and stood the admiring it. It was even more beautiful after the rain last night and Zhan wishes he could sniff the flowers, run across the wet grass and smell nature at its purest.

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