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No one did a word after Yibo's statement and even though his mother was furious, she couldn't say anything at the time. It could be that they were shocked or that she didn't want to lose too much of her temper infront of guests. Even though Laura was promised to marry Yibo, she was still an outsider according to Mrs Wang.

Zhan was pulled by the hand outside and it was when they reached the main road did Zhan avert his eyes from Yibo. He was in total shock of what had happened,he knew that Yibo wanted to tell his parents the news that he was pregnant but he didn't think he could be so brutal in informing them. Yibo was looking at his watch while bust in his phone and Larry, who was driving at the time, was oblivious to what had happened in the house and he wasn't surprised by Yibo's behaviour.

An hour and a half later, the car parked by Zhan's house and Larry was the first to get off the car and he opened the doors for Yibo and Zhan. But before they walked inside, Yibo pulled Zhan's hand and with a worried look on his face he asked...

"Zhan gē, I'm sorry I couldn't do what I did earlier sooner, I promise to stand by your side no matter who I have to go against. !"

"But Yibo, did you have to tell the like that..? That was wrong and that sort of behaviour you displayed earlier to them was too bad and to need to apologize. When you come back from work, Mae sure you talk to the lm nicely so they can understand okay..they might accept all this..please!"

Yibo's heart ached as he remembered how he had spoken to his parents, especially his mother. He knew she was over protective and he was used to that, but what she said made him embarrassed. As a man who was going to be a father in a few months, he needed to stand up for his family or Zhan would get more hurt than he already was. So..after Zhan's advice, he kissed Zhan on the lips and also kissed his belly before he retreated back to the car.

He didn't want to see Zhan's parents because of how ashamed he felt. He was ashamed to face Zhan's mother and blamed himself for not taking good care of Zhan. So...he rushed to the car the moment he heard Mrs Xiao calling Zhan's name while running to meet him. He called out once and said....

"Zhan gē, I will pick you up tonight after work, okay..?"

"I want to stay here tonight, I'll see you tomorrow, you can pick me up then"

"Tonight!! Get ready on time okay? "

Before Zhan could even protest , Yibo was already inside the car, scrolling away on his phone. Zhan walked sighed and walked inside his house where his mother was waiting for him at the doorway.

"Oh! Good morning ma, why did you wait for me here?"

"I didn't want to disturb your moment, I saw how Yibo was holding you, I just couldn't ruin your romantic moment like that?"

"I wish...there a lot of things going on in the mansion right now, I just don't want to get into it"

"What's wrong? Tell me....NOW!!"

Zhan looked at his mother and he knew there was no telling her otherwise. He regretted having to vent out his frustrations like that, but he had no one to talk to about these things other than Baba who seemed to understand him very well. So...he started talk

" cut this short, I'm not the Wang's ideal son-in-law. To sum it up,  their ideal daughter- in-law arrived at the mansion a few days before Yibo's parents arrived."

Zhan had no choice but to explain everything to his mother, leaving out the part where he was assaulted by Laura of course in order to stop things from escalating from the mess they were. His mother was deeply hurt, but he understood Yibo's parents concerns. That was one of their concerns too learning about their son liking men, it's not something one's parent could easily accept.

AWAKENED HEART  (The first heartbeat)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt