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Ba gē...where's Zhan gē...? What's wrong with him..? And ...why are you ignoring my orders..?!"

Baba let go of the door and lowers his head. He refused to look at Yibo. This angered Yibo more and Baba could hear him by his breathing that he was very very angry. He didn't want to upset Yibo more than he already was and so he answered fearfully. There was something about the way Yibo got angry, when he gets angry...the air around changes and when he get too angry to a point where he would breath like that. His aura would travel from everywhere, making the air difficult to even breath.

"S-sorry boss...Zh-Zhan is in the car downstairs. He's not feeling well so I'm taking him home."

"Whats wrong with him..? Is he sick...? He hasn't told me anything. I will go see him now and-.."

Yibo wasn't finished talking when Baba cut him off and answered...

"Please don't , I'm sorry boss if I sound like I'm disrespectful. But do you much Zhan...had suffered..? Do you know that he was told to go see a psychiatrist..?"

"What..? Why don't I know about these things..? Even Bar gē doesn't say anything. What's wrong with his mind.?"

"Boss...I'm in no place to tell you about him, maybe you should ask him."

"I will come home later."

With that, Yibo let go of the door and Baba quickly went out and rushed to Zhan. He reached and opened the car and sat down. Once inside, he put on his seatbelt on and it was when he was about to ask Zhan if he was comfortable enough when he saw Zhan sleeping at the backseat.

Baba didn't delay any longer and started the car and left. Along the way, he remembered how Yibo's face was earlier. How he looked scared, but why would Yibo be scared..? and what would he be scared of..? Baba asked himself. But there was one thing that he knew for sure and that was the fact that he was in trouble once Yibo comes home. He knew he was disrespectful earlier and he just thought of the worst punishment ever for the mistake he had done on purpose.

He reached home and turned the car off, Zhan was still sleeping so he out the AC on and slowly opened the car and went inside after carefully closing it so that it doesn't make noise. He went straight to the back house and threw himself on the couch, he was alone. Barry was Yibo's driver and sometimes he would go check on Yibo's other businesses such as the skate store and the three orphanages and. So at the time he has gone to one of the orphanages to check the progress of the library that was been built.

Larry was also out on Yibo's orders, he was barely home and there would be only the maids going out and about tidying up the mansion. The back house was mainly closed if there was no one at home because of the security room that was in there. So when Baba laid himself at the couch, he began to think back on his relationship too.

He and Larry were in good terms but he just couldn't help but think that there was something missing in their relationship. He didn't know what but he knew that since that day, Larry had been pretty much busy to a point where he would see him when they sleep. He was also not around much but the excitement he always saw on Larry's face everytime he comes back after being out for the day was gone.

Larry now would just greet him with a kiss on his forehead and even their bed time activities was not as frequent as it was before. He knew something has changed but he didn't know what it could be exactly. He felt as if their relationship was like the relationship of a married couple before one between the two files for divorce. Zhan's struggles in his relationship with Yibo had forced him to take a look at his own relationship with Larry.

He didn't know if it needed to be fixed or ended, he just knew that he and Larry needed to have a talk and see if it was still possible to mend it the way it was or even better than it was. He sighed, opening his closed eyes, he stood up and went to check on Zhan to see of he was awake and if he was fine. When he got to the car, he found that Zhan had gotten off the car and had already went inside. He closed the car door which he was holding open to check on Zhan and took out his phone. He called Zhan to ask if he was ok.

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