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Yibo and his father called out in unison in shock of what they had just heard. Her husband thought she was being emotional and felt that she was trying to put their son on a tight squeezed corner, and then she asked ....

"You would chose him right? I can see it written clearly in your eyes. I can see that you love him and I would be too selfish if I were to separate you from such a love. I'm not ready to give you my blessing yet, maybe in the coming time I will, I don't know but I ask must not marry him before I make my decision.

You cannot even get engage, but I promise I will be there for my grandchild and I will do anything and everything to protect him, even if it means I must protect him from you. You must remember my words when time comes, you will have to."

The room went silent, eyes were darting back and forth between Yibo and his father. They couldn't believe what she just said, how could the strictest mother ever be so kind to accept something such as allowing her son have a boyfriend.

She accepted her son's relationship with a man, and even though she didn't give him her blessings, she still gave him permission.

Mr Wang stood up and went over and went to his wife, he looked her in the eyes and for the first time, he just couldn't help himself. He quickly took her into his arms and hugged her so tight that it seemed like he would squeeze her breath out of her.

With tears in his eyes, he was thankful that his family was finally coming together. His wife and son were finally getting along since he was born, that was a moment to remember for him.

"Mom...are you– are you giving me your permission to be with Zhan? "

"I'm giving you permission, I'm not giving you my blessing, I don't know if I ever will. Don't get me wrong, I'm doing this for my grandchild."

"So...does this mean that you will still treat Zhan the way you did before? Like he's just a nobody?"

"What do you mean by that? I have never treated him as a nobody. When have I ever done that?"

"Mom...the way you said things about him and like he's not even there...I was truly hurt. I know you didn't know about us then but now that you know..."

"I will try to get used to this relationship that you two are having, for my grandchild's sake, I will try. But please don't expect more that that from me."

"Yes son, parents are supposed to love their children and support them right..? They should sometimes make sacrifices for their children and put their happiness first above society. for my blessing, I already gave it to you. You ha e my sull support, I don't like it,but I have to respect your decision as a grown up as well. You're not young anymore and you're about to have your own family. I'm so proud of you son."

Yibo couldn't believe what he was hearing, his father's words broke him I to tears and he hugged him very tight.

At first, Yibo has thought his father was siding with his mother, that's because when there's quarrel or dispute between people,  those quarreling always want others to take their side.

Sometimes it might be for the wrong reasons and some the right reasons, but as long as there is someone who stands by their side, then they feel stronger to either stand up for themselves or cause more trouble. What Yibo had thought was that his father would always take his wife's side no matter what.

He thought he had been doing it for so many years, but he was wrong. His father was mostly by his side since he was always a good boy.

He understood that parents like to raise their children the way they feel like raising them and also the way they see fit. Whether they're raising then right or wrong is not for anyone to say or to judge.

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