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"Boy...!! Do you know how long I've been waiting for this...? Huh...? How could you be so stupid to let him slip through your hands...? You better have a better explanation or I promise you...your mother will be begging me from her grave...!!(shout)"

"I'm sorry uncle...I mean sir...I...I didn't mean to loose him. People from his company came and I tried to stop them but he seemed to have been waiting for them or something because he said they were late. I didn't want them to know what I was upto so...I..I let them...take hi-(nervous & scared)"

"Listen to yourself...you let them take him...how stupid are you...? After all the training you still don't get it huh...? I should've just let you rot in poverty with your father back in the village...!! You will have to pay the price of failing me, and this time...I'm not going soft on you. Take him...!!!"

"Take me where...? Please sir...I won't do it again... please let me off only this time..."

"Do you how many times I've let you off...? There isn't even one mission where you came back successful from. All you do is to go to bars and spend my hard earned money...!! Well...today you will have to learn what happens to those who fail me....take him to the basement, chain him and give him a beating. Leave him there when you're done, and don't give him food until I say so...go..!!!"

The young man was taken into the basement while begging for mercy, but the man in black became deaf to his pleas. He looked the other way while the young man was being dragged across the room, screaming and begging for forgiveness. Down at the basement...he was stripped his clothes and was left only with his boxers. He was standing in the middle of the room with his hands tied above him to the chains that were dangling from above and his fee were chained to a nearby post which had handcuffs on it. The two men who were busy disfiguring his face couldn't care less if he was still young or not. They just wanted to make sure their boss did not take out his anger on them and they certainly couldn't care less about the boy.

His mother had died when he was eight year old and he was left with his father in the village they lived in. A week after his mother's burial...a man came wearing a black suit and he heard him arguing with his father. He had gone out to the river where he always went when things were tough for him and when he came back he spotted three cars in his compound which looked too expensive. When he got closer, he noticed that there were many men outside guarding and he knew whoever who was inside must be very rich. So...he didn't get inside the yard, he did...but he used a passage way only he knew about and peeked in from a tiny opening at the back if their tiny mud house.

He heard his father shout and tell the man that he would never do as he said and the man, with a calm voice which held arrogance simply told him it was his sister's wish for her son to go to school and then college just like other kids. And nit only that...he too his father that if he didn't let him leave with him...he would make sure he ruined his already miserable life and that of his son's too. His father still kept his words that he would never let him take his son away. But it was something his father said that made him get out from his hiding. His father was furious as he said in the man's face..

You told me to give you all my money away if I ever want to marry your sister, I did give it to you...but I never thought you would go as far as steal my businesses away from me even when we agreed on the money. You are such a fox of a man, why can't you just leave me and my son alone...? You knew your sister was sick but you didn't even bother to take her to the hospital to get her treated. His evil can you be...?"

"My sister brought this to herself...I told her to leave you the moment I managed to take your businesses away...she refused...I guess she was a fool to fall for a fool like you...he~he~he. Well...you should thank me at least, I'm willing to take your son to school with my own money. And don't worry...I will take him to the most prestigious schools in the city. If you think of denying me this...then I guess I will have to do what I do best...(evil smile)...hey you....grab this old man...you know what to do with him. Make it quick...I don't have a lot of patience..!!"

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