♥ Metamorphosis ♥

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♥ Metamorphosis ♥

It is true, what they say. Your life does in fact flash before your eyes when you die, and for several moments thereafter the point your heart stops beating. Fond memories of the people and places you've loved, a blissful reminder of the life you've led. The circumstances of your death no longer plague your mind. Perhaps that is life's final gift- letting us go with a hand on our backs and warmth in our hearts, regardless of how we went. The end.

Personal beliefs aside, when the human body, beyond repair, beyond hope of healing, dies- it dies. With my neck snapped in such a brutal fashion, it should've been the same for me. But in the world of the supernatural, the human body does not function according to the rules of science. Bones that have been completely shattered can re-fuse. A heart that has stopped beating can no longer be needed to function. A brain that has gone dark can alight once more. A human can live and be dead all at the same time. A human? No, not as a human anymore.

When my eyes opened I thought I had awoken to some twisted afterlife. One where I was to relive my death over and over again. I was ready to curse every god that anyone in existence had ever worshiped. But it was too real. I was alone in Jungkook's hotel room, blood splattered on the pure white sheets. My throat was dry and scratchy. The lights- too bright for my eyes. And I was starving. I'd never been so starved before.

I stumbled to the bathroom on legs that felt too new, like a newborn deer. Bracing myself against the countertop, I looked in the mirror, and I saw them. Ruby red eyes. I opened my mouth, and I saw those, too. Animal-like fangs. I gripped the edges of the sink harder, and felt the marble crumble beneath my hands. My death had happened, I hadn't dreamt it, but I had not died. I'd been reborn.

The lies that Sujin had told Yoongi began to click. She didn't want him to think I had vampire blood in my system, or he would've waited longer to kill me. He didn't want me to turn into one of them. He wanted me dead for real. The lies had been a contingency plan. A horrifically risky one, and one that I hadn't been informed of. If it had been Jungkook's idea, I was ready to kill him for hiding it from me. But part of me knew he wouldn't have taken such a gamble, not when they still couldn't pinpoint exactly how long the vampire blood lasted before it didn't matter. Before you'd simply die as intended.

Yoongi's bite mark no longer scarred my neck. The wound had healed, leaving only dried blood where it should've been. I roughly scrubbed it from my skin, not wanting any reminder of that horrible beast to remain. I scrubbed my body, too, stripping off my clothes and examining it like it was something foreign to me. In a way, it was. My skin seemed brighter, the dark circles under my eyes disappeared, any mark of imperfection- gone.

I sifted through Jungkook's suitcase for a baggy shirt and a pair of sweatpants and shoved them on. The few minutes of peace that I had spent freshening up had given me a moment to calm my racing thoughts and come to terms with what had happened. I had died. I had come back. I was no longer human. I was an immortal vampire. And then the biggest realization yet- Jungkook didn't know I was alive.

His phone had been left on the bed. I rushed over to grab it only to find that it was locked with a passcode. I fumbled with a few notable dates- his birthday, his fake birthday, the company's anniversary date- but nothing worked, and I was running out of attempts before the phone would lock up. Going downstairs to the lobby wasn't exactly an option. I was pretty sure I would jump on the first human I saw with blood pumping through their veins. Even considering it had my body urging me to go, desperate for a taste of my new 'food'.

Just as the craving was becoming unbearable, the lock beeped from a keycard, and the door swung open. I was face to face with the man I loved, his eyes as crimson as mine now were. He ran to me, wrapping me in a hug so tight it surely would have snapped my more fragile, human body in two. I don't know if he noticed at first. What I had become. If he did he didn't say anything. He just sobbed into my shoulder, his entire body shaking as he held me.

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