♥ Amends ♥

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♥ Amends ♥

Can you believe Jungkook did all that, SAID all that, and then went upstairs by himself and left me to toss and turn in my bed all night contemplating the meaning of life? Well, believe it. I didn't sleep a wink. Every time I closed my eyes and gave it my best effort, our kiss would replay in my mind like a damn movie. What's worse is it wouldn't stop there. My glorious, creative brain was willing in the gaps of what could have happened. Would have. Should have.

No, I hadn't fully come to terms with my situation yet, and I hadn't fully accepted Jungkook's vague reasoning for his behavior, but I was starting to understand him. The last thing I wanted to ask him about was his last assistant. Both Yoongi and Hoseok had mentioned her, but last time I'd brought it up Jungkook looked like he wanted to snap my neck. And now I knew he probably could. I would ignore it for now. One hurdle at a time.

When I stepped into the kitchen in the morning, Jungkook was already sitting down at the table with a cup of iced coffee and a plate of toast. I paused in front of him. "Hey, why do you eat?"

He raised his brows, a half smirk playing at his lips. "Good morning to you too, Y/N."

I slid into the seat across from him. "Seriously, doesn't it taste like dust or sand or something?"

"It tastes the same to me as it does you." He took a bite of his toast. "I don't need it, but I've grown accustomed to eating and drinking as part of appearing natural- human. It's a habit."

"But you'll die without blood?"

He shook his head. "No. You just lose what little humanity you have left- become more monster than man. A hunter or another vampire would take you out before it got that bad."

I leaned forward, resting my head in my hands. "Does the sun kill you? Oh! Or do you sparkle like diamonds?"

Jungkook flashed me a dirty look. "What is this? Vampire 101?"

"Come on! Please! I'm curious."

"I do not sparkle. I won't die either, but the sun is excruciatingly painful, so we avoid it. Imagine feeling like your skin is melting from your bones."

My face twisted in disgust. "Gross. Hm...um two more, okay? Do you sleep?"

"Yes, sometimes."

"Do you have super strength? Sight? Speed? Hearing?"

"That's more like four questions," he pointed out. "Strength and speed are only slightly beyond human capabilities. Sight- not so much. Hearing- well I can hear you sing in the shower all the time."

My mouth dropped and the color fled from my face.

"I'm kidding, Y/N. Anyone could hear you. The neighbors can probably hear you. You sound like a dying cat."

My embarrassment was quickly replaced by rage as I scanned the room for something to chuck at his head. I had a pillow from the couch in my hand before the ringing of the doorbell stopped my plans. Jungkook just laughed at me, my arm thrown back behind my head clutching my weapon, as he stood to get the door.

I heard Jimin's voice before I saw him. Mostly because Jungkook had only opened the door a crack, as though he didn't intend to let him in. "I want to speak with Y/N. Please, let me in," I heard him say.

I joined Jungkook at the front door and urged him to open up all the way so Jimin could come inside. He rolled his eyes at me but he stepped aside anyway.

"Shouldn't you not be out and about during the daytime?" I questioned as he entered.

Jimin looked at me in shock, like he hadn't expected Jungkook to have told me the truth, or any more details than necessary. "It's cloudy enough...besides, I wanted to apologize for that night when I shoved you away." He turned to Jungkook. "Could you leave us for a moment?"

Jungkook poked this side of his cheek with his tongue, letting out a loud sigh. "I'd be happy to." Sarcasm was dripping from every word.

It seemed not to bother Jimin any. He simply smiled and waited for him to leave, ushering me to the couch to take a seat. He waited for Jungkook's door to close before he spoke again. "I didn't want you to see me like that."

"It was surprising, but you don't have to apologize." I thought back to that night. About how I'd stepped in between Jungkook and Yoongi not knowing what they were, not knowing how badly I could've gotten hurt. "You saved me. I should be thanking you."

His eyes were downcast. He hadn't looked at me once since we'd sat down. "I'm no hero. I was the same as Yoongi once...before I met Jungkook."

"Can you tell me?"

"Yoongi says we're playing human. He says we're meant to roam and hunt and kill, not run a business like a quote- bunch of bitches." Jimin frowned. "He's the most newly turned of us all. His bloodlust is still too intense. Jungkook's father, er- father figure, insisted it was his problem to deal with, though."

"Newly turned?" Did he mean they became this way? I suppose that made sense. I just hadn't considered how they came to be vampires. A question I'd forgotten to ask during my morning class with Jungkook.

He pouted his lips, like he was unsure if he wanted to tell me. "Ugh. Whatever. Jungkook can have my head...If you die with vampire blood in your system you can become one. Depends how you die- when you die- we've narrowed it down to being within a day."

The thought was scary. If I died with Jungkook's blood in my system I would become one of them. Maybe keeping the fang marks and covering them myself would be better. "So...it's difficult for a while?"

"Yes, a long while. It's in our nature to kill. Being able to hold back the urge to drain someone completely of blood is...hard." He glanced away again. "And now we're stuck babysitting the most volatile new vampire yet. Jungkook runs a tight ship and Yoongi hates that. No killing. No siring new vampires. As Yoongi says- 'all of the fun things'."

"Did Jungkook make- uh- sire all of you?"

Finally the solemn look fell from Jimin's face and he burst into laughter. "No, absolutely not! Jungkook's creator is the true mastermind behind JGM. He created the company, and he left Jungkook in charge, so we followed his lead. We could leave at any time, but we respect Jungkook. He's trying to keep us human, in a way."

Somehow Jimin's story had caused the pang of guilt in my chest to fester. Jungkook had kept things from me, but it wasn't just for self-preservation, he'd been protecting all of them. Their way of life. One that could certainly be way worse if someone like Yoongi was in charge of guiding them. I wasn't exactly grateful to be Jungkook's blood supply, but no one had to die for it this way.

"One more thing, Y/N," Jimin spoke up. "I know you technically can't say anything anyways, but can you please really not say anything to Taehyung? I enjoy our time together. He's the first real friend I've had in what feels like forever. I want to tell him on my own terms."

I smiled. "Of course, Jimin. Just promise me you won't let him get hurt."

He smiled back at me. "I promise." 

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