♥ Interrupted ♥

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♥ Interrupted ♥

Impatient, persistent banging on the front door downstairs woke me from my deep sleep. In a half daze, I stirred, sitting up in bed. Jungkook was half awake beside me, his eyes only slightly open. I shook him by the shoulder which roused him the rest of the way, though he didn't seem eager to get out of bed to answer the door.

"Jungkook, you can't ignore it," I groaned, giggling as I continued to shake him.

"Like hell I can't." A sleepy smile rose on his lips. "I made it very clear what I intended to do this morning, and I don't care much for interruptions."

The banging continued as Jungkook's phone began to buzz on the nightstand. I would normally blush from such words, but clearly someone wanted to speak with him immediately. I was worried that something bad might've happened. Panic blanched my face as my mind drifted to Jimin and Taehyung, imagining a million different scenarios in which they could be hurt.

Noticing the change in my expression, Jungkook sat up. "I'll get it. I'll be right back, okay?"

He said that, but I still crept down the stairs behind him, waiting at the bottom step as he opened the door.

It was Namjoon's face we were met with once the door swung open- and he looked furious. Red faced and jaw tight, he pushed past Jungkook and ran a hand through his hair, the other propped on his hip. It didn't take long for him to start yelling, "You know- part of being the CEO of a company means you need to answer your phone."

Jungkook's face went crimson and he bowed his head. It was the first time I'd seen him do that for anyone- he must've really respected Namjoon. "I'm sorry. You're right."

Namjoon's anger didn't falter. "And what's the point of having an assistant if she doesn't answer her phone either?" His eyes darted to mine and I wished I could shrink out of existence. I also wished I'd thrown on a robe. A t-shirt. Anything to cover my silk pajamas.

Before I could offer my own apologies, Jungkook spoke up for me. "It's not Y/N's fault." Though his voice was stained with shame, it was clearer, more firm, now. "I take responsibility, so take your anger out on me. Now, what happened?"

Thankfully, Namjoon turned his head back to Jungkook, ignoring my presence. "We need to go to our Japan branch. There's been an issue with one of our major investors. I booked our flights. The flight leaves"- he looked at his wristwatch-"in less than an hour. Go pack."

I was halfway to my bedroom by the time Namjoon dropped his hand back down to his side. There was no time to fold, so my clothes were shoved haphazardly into my suitcase. I didn't bother counting if I had the proper amount of tops or bottoms. Worst case scenario- I would buy a new wardrobe in Japan. Actual worst case scenario- Namjoon kills me for failing as an assistant and I never make it to Japan.

He almost looked impressed- almost- when I was back in the main room in less than ten minutes. I'd shoved on jeans and a hoodie, a hat to cover the disaster of hair atop my head, and a pair of boots. Not the ideal work outfit, but it was comfortable, and I was assuming we would have time to at least change clothes before we went to the branch. As we waited for Jungkook to finish up, I managed to fix my face with a light concealer, a spot of blush, and some lip gloss.

"Shall we?" Jungkook called out as he climbed down the stairs with his bags.

I caught myself giving him a look of pure, unfiltered annoyance, only because in just five minutes more than me he'd somehow transformed himself into his usual god-like appearance. First, I cursed him specifically. Then, his entire species. And when he approached me with his sweet, adorable smile, I audibly sucked my teeth. He gave me the cutest pout of confusion in return, which only irritated me more.

"Did I do something wrong?"

I nodded my head. "You wouldn't understand."

Jungkook stood there, mouth agape, as I left him to get our itinerary from Namjoon.


This was our second time visiting Japan, but it was still as breathtaking as seeing it for the first time. We flew into Tokyo Haneda and drove into Yokohama where the branch was located. Our hotel was overlooking the water, a beautiful view at night, lit up with the bright lights of the city below. I was hopeful that we would have at least one day to roam the city this time. I could see a ferris wheel in the distance, in what appeared to be some sort of amusement park. The little kid in my heart was itching to go explore it.

The room itself was luxurious, as expected for JGM. Of course, Namjoon had booked us all separate accommodations, which meant I'd be sleeping alone. It had only been one night we'd spent together, but the giant bed in my room felt too empty. Too lonely. I pinched myself as I laid back, looking up at the ceiling. Jungkook had said it was for the night. He'd never invited me to share his bed for the rest of his days. I was being foolish. Greedy. He'd said he loved me- that was enough for now.

However, the fact that I'd not been invited to the business dinner with the investors had me feeling particularly lonesome. They'd said the investor had requested a private meeting, with only Jungkook and Namjoon in attendance. I'd been left to order room service and asked rather sternly not to leave my room on my own. Hoseok and Jimin wouldn't be flying in until tomorrow night, leaving no one to escort me. Because I needed one of those- apparently. The situation with Sujin had left everyone on edge.

Still...there was a sukiyaki restaurant so close I could taste it, and nothing on the room service menu was calling out to me. I wanted some warm, authentic Japanese cuisine. I turned my phone volume all the way up, grabbed my purse, and headed for the restaurant. It was a short walk, and the weather wasn't too cold- much better than Seoul at this time of year. At least if someone snatched me up and forced me to walk through the ocean, the temperature would be slightly more agreeable. Joking about it silently to myself helped me feel better, anyways.

The warmth of the restaurant soothed the chill that had settled in my bones on the walk over. And the smell- the smell was otherworldly. My mouth was watering, my stomach loudly complaining by the time they set the bowl in front of me. Beef, tofu, leek, shiitake, noodles, and the most perfect sweet and salty broth. The first bite was heaven. As much as I wanted to take my time, savor every mouthful, I knew I should be quick. On the off chance that the business dinner was finished early, I didn't want to be the last one back to the hotel.

As I stood to leave, my phone buzzed, and I pulled it from my pocket to see a text from Jungkook.

Jungkook: Can you meet me at the park? I'll send you the address. It's nearby.

Y/N: Wow! You're going to let me walk there all by myself? Is this a surprise?

Jungkook: Don't make me regret it...

Y/N: See you soon! ;)

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