♥ Infatuation ♥

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♥ Infatuation ♥

I did not sleep, again, because of Jungkook. Except this time, it wasn't my hatred, or my complicated feelings towards him that left me restless. It was the vivid memory of his lips mingling with mine, the press of his tongue against my thigh. Every touch was burned into my skin. The physical marks had disappeared but the feeling was raw and fresh and unbearable. Not because I disliked it, but because I wanted more, and I shouldn't want more.

Though Jungkook and I had spoken to each other about what happened, the resolution was still up in the air. There was still so much I wanted to ask him, and even more that I wanted to tell him. It never felt like the right time to do so. He was usually grumpy, and if he wasn't, his mouth was on mine and I lacked the willpower to stop for conversation. Ignoring the whole vampire issue wasn't the mature thing to do, though it sure was easier.

There was also the matter of not truly knowing where he stood on...us. For him, last night, whatever that was, could have been a meaningless bit of fun. For me? I don't know. What was it for me? Fun, yes. Was it possible to pretend like it meant nothing- like I felt nothing towards him? No, probably not. It was more than flirting. More than a kiss. The sooner I gained the courage to accept that the better. Maybe worse? Who knows. Ugh.

I needed advice. Taehyung wouldn't be able to help me since he didn't know the full extent of my circumstances, so I texted the only other person I felt comfortable talking to. He was about to get a promotion to best friend very quickly.

Y/N: Hey, it's Y/N. I was wondering if you could meet for coffee? Or I could come to you? I know it's early...

Jimin: Y/N! I'm glad to hear from you. The weather is a bit too nice for me to go out, but I'd be happy to have you over.

Jimin: I'll send you the address!

I hurriedly threw on jeans and a sweater, brushing through my hair as I dug through my closet for boots. Jungkook didn't appear to be downstairs, so I left without saying goodbye. He had my number if he needed me. Plugging the address Jimin had sent into my phone, I realized he lived extremely close by. I decided to walk to clear my head and think of how I wanted to bring up what I wanted to ask Jimin.

Greeting me at the door, carefully covered in the shade, was Jimin, dressed more casually then I'd ever seen him in a pair of black jeans and a loose tee. He always looked the most friendly and approachable of all of the executives, but today he looked like the boy next door. I was glad for it. It would help me speak with him like we were old friends, and not new friends...very new friends.

"I was surprised to see you texted me," he spoke cheerily as he motioned for me to come inside. He, like Jungkook, lived in a penthouse in a luxury apartment building. Quite the opposite from Jungkook, though, Jimin's home was filled with colors of cream and white and gold. It was bright and welcoming and regal. It suited him, I thought.

I followed him to take a seat at the kitchen bar, taking him up on his offer of coffee. "Thank you," I mouthed as he handed me the warm mug. "I asked to meet you because I was hoping you could give me advice. It's not something I can talk to Tae about because of the whole, well, you know."

"Vampire thing?" He laughed. "I'm sorry. I promise I'll figure out a way that I can tell him soon. I just want to make sure he's safe first. For now, you can pretend I'm him."

"He actually gives shit advice."

"Advice you don't want to hear then? Because he knows you better than you know yourself?" A grin rose to his lips.

"Exactly." I couldn't help but laugh along with him. "I actually want to ask you some things about Jungkook...er- just in general."

That seemed to surprise him, though not in a bad way. "Color me intrigued."

I bit my lip, reluctant to continue on with what I knew would be an awkward and highly embarrassing discussion. "Well- so- is it normal when you drink someone's blood for it to be so- uh...physical?"

Jimin's eyebrows rose. "It is more of a transactional thing for most of us," he began. "Since we usually do so with people who don't know, and then erase their memories right after. It's a quick thing. Drink from their wrists and done." He scrunched his brows. "It shouldn't hurt. It's not hurting you, is it?"

"Oh. No!" I waved my arms in front of me. "It doesn't hurt. Um- but what about...Hoseok for instance- he knows. Is it the same?"

"Are you asking me what he and Namjoon get up to?" Jimin grimaced in horror.

"No. No! That's not what I meant."

Jimin was back to chuckling at my clear failure to communicate. "Y/N, I think you're going to need to spell it out for me- I'm not the best at reading between the lines, and your lines, frankly, are wobbly and lead nowhere."

"Is it a sexual thing?" I blurted out far too loudly.

He choked on his coffee- bad timing to take a sip. "Did you and Jungkook fu-"

"No!" I howled. "We did not. Nope. No." I took a deep breath to calm myself. "I am just trying to understand that confusing man, and I wanted to know if it was normal to...kiss. If the bloodthirst gets you all...I don't know how to say this- uh- thirsty. That's all."

Jimin brought a finger to his lips, staring blankly ahead of him. "I could see how it could be a sensual act if it were someone you cared about- wanted in that way." He brought his eyes back to me. "I can tell that you are the type that needs me to put this plainly, so- Jungkook has never done anything like that before with someone he's bitten. He hates it. The whole 'being a vampire' thing."

"So, you think he maybe doesn't hate me?" I prodded.

"I think he maybe doesn't hate you." Jimin grinned. "I also think you may be smitten with my boss."

My cheeks burned red and I folded my arms in front of my chest. "Your boss is an asshole. An adept liar. Arrogant. Rarely smiles. Smug."

Jimin shrugged. "You have odd tastes in men, Y/N."

I felt compelled to defend Jungkook. "He is also sweet. A gentleman. Protective. Cares for others deeply. He has a beautiful smile..."

Jimin raised his brows, biting his lip to hold in his laughter. "You fell for that trap pretty easily."

"You..." I glared at him. "I was wrong. You're worse than Tae."

"I'm sorry, Y/N." He smiled. "I will say this- in all of the years that I've known Jungkook, which is too many, I've never seen him look at someone the way he looks at you. When you got hurt back in Jeju, I thought he was going to murder all of us just for bearing witness to it. He's been through a lot...he may not feel like he deserves happiness, but he does, and we all really want to see him happy. I won't pressure you to admit your feelings- and honestly, you have the patience of a saint for dealing with him for this long already- but please don't let him push you away."

It made my heart swell to know Jungkook had someone who cared about him so much. "You're a good friend, Jimin."

Jimin shook his head softly. "Don't mention it."

"If anyone would understand who and what you are, it's Tae," I added. "So, I'm asking you to be brave, too."

"Yeah, you're probably right." He twiddled his thumbs in his lap, smiling down at them. 

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