♥ Goosebumps ♥

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♥ Goosebumps ♥

By the time I finished running errands and had made it back home, it was late evening, and Jungkook was either not home or hiding away in his room. The answer to my question came in the form of an unanswered doorbell ring. I quickly put away my dinner plate and rushed over to the front door to open it. I assumed it was Hoseok or Namjoon for work, or Jin arriving to prepare more meals for the upcoming week.

It was most certainly not. A Goddess of a woman stood in the doorway. Ebony hair in silky waves cascaded down to her hips, obvious in the skin tight red dress she was fitted in. Her eyes were sharp, in a hue of freckled amber. Her posture and height was only made more imposing by her high heels. She was so stunning it was terrifying. On instinct, I froze in place. Knowing I wouldn't be able to speak without sounds like a bumbling idiot, I just stood in silence.

Noticing I had no intention of greeting her, she spoke first, "You must be Mr. Jeon's new assistant. What's your name?"

"I am- my name is Y/N." I finally moved. "You are? Are you here to see Jungkook?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Hm. No, I don't think so." She pushed past me in the doorway, looking around the entryway. "Ah, it is just as I remember it. My name is Sujin."

The trance of her beauty was wearing away, and I was beginning to become weirded out by her behavior. "I don't think he would appreciate my letting someone in without his permission. Shall I give him a call?"

She whipped around and rested a hand on my shoulder. "That won't be necessary. I'm here for you. Why don't we head out?"

I knew that I shouldn't follow her out of that door, so, why? My legs were moving of their own accord, my mind growing fuzzy until I thought- yes, I do want to go with her. She's a friend of Jungkook's. Of course I can trust her. It sounds like fun. I wanted to have fun.

Sujin linked our arms and brought me down to her car. We drove for a while. I wasn't sure where we were going. I didn't ask. I didn't care. I was with Sujin. I watched out of the window at the car lights flashing by us as I hummed along to the radio. Sujin squeezed my hand every so often. Each time she did, a wave of calm rushed over me.

You could taste the salt water in the air. Sujin wrapped a coat over her shoulders before leaving the car. She grabbed my hand again and led me down to the beach. It was a chilly night, but the sky was calm and sprinkled with a few scattered stars. The cold wind against my skin, breaking through my thin sweater, was nothing compared to the happiness I felt in her presence. A minor inconvenience.

Sujin let go of my hand. "Dance."

I danced.

She giggled. "Run in circles until I tell you to stop."

I ran in circles until my head was dizzy and my legs were ready to buckle underneath me. I ran until she said 'stop'.

"Good girl." She grinned, linking her fingers with mine. "Can I bite you?"

"Of course you can." I held my wrist to her eagerly.

Sujin bit down deep with too-sharp teeth, and it was at that moment I realized what she was. A vampire. I was surprised, but I didn't mind. She was Sujin. I let her drink to her heart's content, and when she didn't offer me to drink her blood in return I didn't question it. The pain would fade eventually. The scar would, too. I was grateful that I was able to help her. I didn't need anything for it.

"Mr. Jeon never let me call him by name. Isn't that funny, Y/N?" Sujin said, sitting down in the sand with her legs out in front of her, heels kicked to the wayside.

I sat down beside her. "Yes, it's funny."

"He must really care about you." She clicked her tongue. "That's unfortunate."

"Have I upset you?" A panic rose in my chest.

She leaned against my shoulder. "No, Y/N. You're doing a wonderful job." She looked at me with pouty lips. "I almost feel bad for you. Almost- but I hate Mr. Jeon far more than I could ever ever pity you."

I remained silent.

Sujin put her hands on my shoulders. "Listen carefully, Y/N." Her eyes were wide and wild, a huge grin on her face. "I want you to walk into the water there. I want you to keep walking and walking until I tell you to stop. Okay?"

"Okay." I nodded and stood.

I walked towards the waterline one step at a time, fully clothed, in my boots, my cell phone in my pocket. It was a ridiculous request, but Sujin had asked it of me earnestly. I would do it. Ice cold water flooded into my boots sending a shock through my body. My heart rate spread up and I sucked in a shaky breath. As the water made it to my ankles, goosebumps were rising all over my skin. I heard Sujin shout 'stop', and I turned to look at her.

She was keeled over laughing, clutching at her stomach. "You're not feeling cold yet are you? Don't disappoint me. Keep going!"

With that, I trudged forward, little by little. The water hit my calves, then my knees, then my thighs. Only once I was hip deep did I hear Sujin shout 'stop' again. And when I turned to face her, she was no longer laughing, and she was no longer alone. I spotted three men. Jimin and Taehyung running down the beach towards me, and Jungkook with his hand wrapped around Sujin's neck.

There was a cacophony of shouting and a blur of motion, and then I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders. I belonged to myself again. And I finally understood what had happened. I didn't know how, but I had been controlled by her. Now, freedom was bittersweet, as I was painfully aware of the cold racking my body, of the salt stinging the open wound where she'd bitten me, of the weight of my clothes.

I was on the verge of passing out. There were spots of white in my vision. If I didn't start moving towards the shore immediately I was going to drown. I forced my burning muscles forward, taking as deep of breaths as I could manage. Jimin and Taehyung had just made it to the waterline when I dragged myself out, collapsing into their arms with my last ounce of energy. 

Ravenous [Jungkook x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon