♥ Tease ♥

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♥ Tease ♥

"Why are you doing it like that?" His snarky tone made the bowl slip from my hands, sliding down into the sudsy water.

"Are you criticizing the way I wash dishes, Mr. Jeon?" I raised my eyebrows.

He rolled his eyes. "You're doing it weird- just- you know what, move over."

I feigned a shocked expression, letting my mouth hang open. "Mr. Jeon? Lowering himself to doing his own dishes?"

"I've lived many 'lives' during the course of my life. I wasn't rich in all of them. And call me Jungkook, you brat."

He moved to shove me out of the way, so I held the faucet sprayer up at him threateningly. "Don't make this ugly, Jungkookie."

He startled at the use of the nickname Taehyung had endearingly given him, but that only lasted a moment, and then he was shaking his head at me, clicking his tongue. Grabby hands reached for me but before they could make contact I squeezed down on the sprayer, sending water bursting forth. I scrunched my eyes closed as drops of water ran down my hands. When I opened them again, a very grumpy, very wet Jungkook was glaring at me.

The color left my face. I considered if I didn't move and didn't breathe that he might not see me, like some sort of movie monster, but I quickly realized that was not the case. No, he was very aware that I was standing right in front of him- still holding the sprayer that had soaked him. He brought a single, slow hand to his face and flicked away the water from his cheeks. This was my chance. My only chance to run.

Before I could so much as turn in the opposite direction, Jungkook's hands were wrapped around my waist, hoisting me up on top of the kitchen counter and sending the sprayer flying out of my hands. He nestled himself between my knees, his hands on either side of my legs. Even sat on the counter top, he was taller than me, and I had to look up to meet his eyes. I'd expected to find anger there, but that wasn't quite the emotion that lingered in them.

"You're a devil, Y/N," he muttered, pushing his tongue into the side of his cheek.

"Hm...Jin said I was an angel today," I retorted, trying to focus on anything else. Anything other than him.

He tilted his head to the side, moving his face closer to mine. "I don't want to hear another man's name leave your mouth while I'm in between your legs."

That brought the color back to my face- in a brilliant shade of cherry red. I'd noticed his...position...yes. However, I'd been ignoring it decently until he'd put it so bluntly. Now, I could feel his hips rubbing against my inner thighs...His hands brushing up against my exposed skin. His breath, heavy with wine, tickling my lips. And he seemed absolutely delighted with my flustered appearance.

I inhaled shakily. Too shakily. Obvious. "I'm sorry I got you wet..."

"Oh, Y/N." Jungkook chuckled dangerously. "We are well beyond apologies." He slid both hands to my hips, dragging me to the edge of the counter, and leaving no space between us. "I intend to return the favor."

He didn't ask this time- probably because I was already wrapping a hand behind his neck, tilting my face to his like a starved animal, by the time he leaned down to kiss me. Or perhaps he didn't intend to. I had teased him a bit too much this time. If this was his form of punishment- it was divine.

His kisses were almost as greedy as his hands. They'd left my hips and traveled to my ass, squeezing, pulling me closer and closer even when there was no possible way for our bodies to be any nearer. The friction was making it hard not to lose myself. It was sending a million little shocks throughout my entire body. I wished I'd worn pants. I was also glad I hadn't. My mind was a conflicted mess of lust and logic, both fighting for dominance.

Jungkook pulled back for a moment, looking down at me with irises flooding with deep maroon. It should have worried me, the thought of him losing control. Instead, I just worried for him. "Is it too much?" I asked breathlessly. If he said yes, I'd fight every urge in my body and I'd stop. We'd stop.

He only smiled. "You? Never."

I was the one to initiate our kiss once more. He chuckled against my lips, but he didn't pull away. He grew bolder, taking my lip between his teeth. Sliding his hand beneath the fabric of my dress, cupping my ass with warm hands that still somehow sent a chill down my spine. I could no longer force down the moans. They escaped my lips before I had a chance to hide them away in shame.

This time time when he separated our lips, his eyes were a bright scarlet. "I don't think I can wait anymore."

"It's okay, you can bite me." I was ready for it.

What I wasn't ready for was for him to kneel between my legs and look up at me with those eyes. I wasn't ready when he plunged his fangs into my inner thigh, dangerously high, enough that I could feel the top of his head brush against my...enough that I could imagine...I needed help. I couldn't focus. I learned back, trying to steady my breath. It didn't hurt. Quite the opposite. It made me question what the hell was wrong with me.

Slowly, he rose to his feet, wiping my blood from his lips. "Your turn."

It took me a moment to register that I needed to drink his blood now to heal. I'd forgotten, or that part of my brain wasn't turned on right now. It took even longer before I remembered that I might not want to drink his blood anymore. Not when there was a risk that it could turn me into a vampire. Anything could happen. A freak accident could end my life tomorrow. Could I live like he lives?

"I'm not sure I want to..."

He raised an eyebrow. "If you want a memento I'd be happy to give you a love bite after." He pointed to my thigh. "That one will leave a scar."

"Okay," I held up a finger, "not to the love bite, but come here." I wanted to think about my decision more, so for now, I would risk it.

Jungkook started to raise his wrist to his fangs but I stopped him, hopping down from the counter and grabbing his hand. "Not there."

I stood on my toes to reach his mouth, locking our lips, before pulling his lower one between my teeth and biting down hard. There wasn't much blood, but I didn't need much, according to him. And this was way more fun. There was definitely something wrong with me for thinking such, but I would address that at a later time.

After I released him, he rubbed his thumb along the wound I'd left, which was already visibly healing. "You are a truly wicked thing," he whispered with a smirk. 

Ravenous [Jungkook x Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant