♥ Rejection ♥

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♥ Rejection ♥ 

"Please forgive me, Y/N. If there was any other way, I wouldn't do this." The voice was a whisper, unrecognizable.

Something, someone, was sitting just beside me on the bed, but I couldn't make out their face. A hand reached out to me, softly running down the side of my cheek before settling against my neck. The figure leaned in. I felt a quick, sharp pain, and then only numbness as my vision faded to black.

I woke from my sleep in a haze, wondering what the hell had prompted such a weird, vivid dream. It may have been the fact that I'd had snacks for dinner instead of a legitimate meal. Or maybe it was something I watched on the TV as I dozed off to sleep last night. Whatever it was, it was only half as weird as waking up in Jungkook's home. That was going to take some getting used to.

After I'd washed my face, brushed my teeth, and dressed myself for the day, I made my way to the kitchen to find breakfast. Jungkook was seated at the dining table, scrolling through his phone as he chewed on a piece of toast. That was also going to take some getting used to. As he noticed me come into the room, his eyes wandered up to me and he set his phone down on the table.

"There's breakfast on the counter, help yourself," he said, pointing to what could only be described as a feast. Waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, cereal, fruit- anything I could've asked for.

I tilted my head. "Did you prepare all of this?"

That made him laugh. "No, of course not. I have staff come in from time to time to prep meals and clean. My chef, Jin, was here earlier this morning. You will likely see him here on occasion."

"I'll tell him thank you, then."

I made my way to the counter and began to pile a little bit of everything on my plate. It looked delicious and perfectly made, it would be a shame not to try it all... I was certain the rest would end up thrown away. Plus, if Jin only came every so often, I would be fending for myself most mornings, and my cooking skills were subpar at best. Only once I had finished stacking my plate embarrassingly high did I take a seat across from Jungkook.

"Hungry?" He snickered.

I pouted for a moment, before regaining my confidence. "I am. So what?"

"I don't mean to poke fun at you. It's a good thing. Jin's cooking is amazing. Trust me, I already finished two plates of my own." He took another bite of his toast. "He will be happy there is someone else here to enjoy his food."

I pondered if now was a good time to bring up the shopping trip. He seemed to be in a better mood this morning. He'd actually laughed and smiled, almost like he didn't hate me. Still, I couldn't let my guard down. I had to pose the offer in a delicate way. I didn't want to set him off and see him in a grumpy rage like I'd witnessed on the day of my interview.

"Um, Jungkook," I started. "I was planning to go out to shop for some things for my room and office space this afternoon. Do you want to come along? Maybe you can fill me in on some of what I'll be doing."

Jungkook set down his toast and stared at me, face unreadable. "I think you are confused about the state of our relationship."

"No, I-"

"I'm your boss. I don't want to go shopping with you, or anything else with you that isn't directly related to our work. We may live together, but it is a matter of convenience." His mouth was tight, his jaw clenched in annoyance. "You would do best not to be confused about what this arrangement is."

His words and tone were so harsh I had to bite back the tears that were forming in my eyes. I wasn't so much hurt as I was shocked. He had flipped like a switch so fast I didn't have time to process what I wanted to say. The only thing I could do was tuck my tail between my legs and apologize. "I'm sorry, sir. That was thoughtless of me."

He rolled his eyes. "You can continue calling me Jungkook. That isn't what this is about." In a hurry, he stood from his chair and rushed up the stairs to the second floor. I heard a door slam not long after.

I could only sit there completely dumbfounded while I picked at my food. His outburst had left me with little appetite, but I didn't have the heart to throw away my plate. Clearly trying to be friendly with him was a mistake. I'd thought with the two of us living together he would want to have a decent bit of rapport. But if he wanted a clear line drawn between the two of us, he would have it. I wasn't going to waste my time and give him the wrong idea again.

I pulled my phone from my pocket to whine to Taehyung, and let him know that he was dead wrong about Jungkook. Gloating was the only thing that would cheer me up.

Y/N: Update- the boss just exploded on me.

TaeTae: ...what'd you do?

Y/N: Why do you assume I did something?

TaeTae: I actually asked my friend Jimin about him, and he said Jungkook is a total softie. He said he works his employees hard but he's a total puppy dog in reality.

Y/N: EXCUSE ME? He is about as soft and cuddly as barbed wire.

TaeTae: Yeah, yeah. What'd you do?

Y/N: I literally asked if he wanted to go shopping. I was trying to be nice!

TaeTae: He's probably worried you want his dick.

Y/N: Ew, Tae. It wasn't like that!!!

TaeTae: I'm sure you'll win the CEO's heart! What's the point of binge watching all those dramas if you can't figure this out?

Y/N: I don't want his heart or ANY other part of him >>

With a groan of disgust I shoved my phone back in my pocket and cleaned up my plate. I was going to shop for my room on my own without Jungkook. And I would never make the mistake of inviting him anywhere ever again. Screw him. I slammed the door loudly as I left, a part of me hoping he'd gone to sleep and I'd get the pleasure of waking him up.

My efforts to find decor for my room were mildly successful. I found a few throw pillows, blankets, plushies, and frames. I even purchased a plant, a succulent, one that I couldn't easily kill as I'd done on many occasions in my own apartment. It was just a few small things, but it would help make the room feel like my own. Right now, I still felt like a stranger visiting a random hotel. A certain someone wasn't helping that feeling...

I stopped for chicken and beer on my way home. It was Saturday, and I needed a drink to clear my head after the morning's events. Part of me thought of bringing home enough food for Jungkook, but I shoved that thought deep down when I remembered how pissed off he'd gotten from just being invited somewhere. If Tae was right and he'd somehow gotten the impression that I'd wanted his...I didn't want to make things worse by bringing him dinner.

I was furious at myself for ever thinking he was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. Sure, his skin was perfectly smooth, his muscles sculpted like something straight out of the heavens, his rich brown eyes sparkling like a galaxy under the light. But he was also an asshole, and I DEFINITELY didn't want him like that. 

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