♥ Realization ♥

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♥ Realization ♥

I didn't see much of Jungkook during the week. Friday had come faster than expected and it was already time to start getting ready for the business party. Part of me was disappointed that our week in Tokyo was already coming to a close without so much as a sightseeing trip around the city. That part of me was quickly overtaken by the more logical side which understood that this wasn't a leisure trip. Sometimes I wanted to slap myself for forgetting.

It was time to focus. I had committed as much of the list of party guests that Hoseok had sent me to memory, and if that failed me, I had the information readily accessible on my phone. The rest of the week had been a breeze. Now was the time to prove myself as a capable executive assistant. At Jungkook's side...and we're getting distracted again. Focus. Focus.

A knock at my door interrupted my wandering thoughts. I swung the door open and found myself face to face with the man of the hour. He was a vision in an all black suit, dress shirt, and tie. His dark hair was slicked partially back, showing off his undercut, while messy strands hung loose in his face. It took everything in me to keep my jaw off the floor. He was...perfect.

He smirked as if he could read my mind. Maybe I was drooling. "Are you ready to go?"

"Uhm- yes. Yes, I am."

The event was being held in the grand ballroom of the hotel where we were all staying. As we made our way over, I was already beginning to see the guests dressed up in extravagant suits and gowns moving through the lobby. Classical music and boundless chatter could be heard coming from the ballroom. It was becoming real, and I was growing incredibly nervous.

Just before the entrance, Jungkook held his arm out to me. "Shall we?"

I nodded and linked my arm with his. "We shall."

All eyes were on us as we entered. I should correct myself- all eyes were on Jungkook. There was barely enough time for him to grab us a flute of champagne before a couple began to make their way towards us. I recognized the man immediately as the CEO of Real Star Entertainment, Lee Seojun, and his wife Lee Ayeong. A smaller company, but one JGM had worked with for several years.

I whispered their names in Jungkook's ear. "We have an upcoming project with them, as well."

"Jeon!" Seojun called out. "So nice to see you out and about."

Jungkook gave a bow. "A pleasure to see you as well, Mr. Lee. I'm looking forward to our project together." He turned to Ayeong, bowing again. "Mrs. Lee."

"Such a polite young man," Ayeong cooed. "My son could learn a thing or two from you." She turned her attention towards me. "Please introduce us to this stunning young woman. Your date?"

"My assistant," Jungkook corrected. "Y/N."

"Lovely to meet you both," I said bowing deeply.

"Ah what a shame, Miss Y/N," Seojun sighed. "Should you ever grow sick of Jeon here, you would make a wonderful addition to the RSE family. Though with your face, you'd make a better actress than an assistant. You're not utilizing her talents, Jeon."

Jungkook laughed politely, but I'd learned his mannerisms well enough in our short time together to know what was real and what was fake. This one- very much fake. "Oh, please don't poach my staff, Mr. Lee. I don't know if I could forgive you."

Seojun and his wife, none the wiser, laughed along with Jungkook, and after a few more exchanges of pleasantries, they took their leave. The night continued on with more of the same, though most guests who approached us outright ignored me, which in all honesty, was preferable. I'd been sipping on the same flute of champagne for the past two hours, and I was losing the will to feign interest in these pretentious conversations.

I'd been released from duty temporarily, as a gentleman from another large company requested to speak with Jungkook privately. I took that as an opportunity to head to the balcony and get some fresh air. It was cool outside, but not uncomfortably so, and I was burning up from nerves, so it was a welcome relief. I could finally catch my breath.

I wasn't certain how long I'd been out there, but I'd finished my first and second glasses of champagne before I heard the door open behind me. I didn't even need to turn around to figure out who it was that had stepped out to join me. Isn't that sad? I could feel his presence from a mile away.

"Are you hiding?" Jungkook laughed, joining me in leaning on the railing at the edge of the balcony.

I turned my head to look at him. "Yes. Don't you find that all to be so painfully suffocating?"

"Of course. Though I am beyond used to it by now." He leaned his head back, looking up at the night sky. "I've been doing this for a very long time. I've had the same interaction countless times. The people change but the routine is the same."

"That sounds horrible."

"It's not so bad this time." His eyes met mine. "I have better company."

I looked away, unable to hold his gaze. "I...I'm glad I could keep you entertained."

"Will you come dance with me, Y/N?"

My head snapped right back to him, my eyes widening. "Won't people find it strange?"

Jungkook let out a breathy chuckle. "I can't begin to tell you how much I don't care what people think." He held out his hand- an invitation.

Of course, I took that hand. There was no universe where I wasn't going to. His confidence had melted away my insecurities, and I'd become putty in his hands. His arms, now. We moved along to the music, me following his lead. At first, I was consciously aware of the eyes on us, but those eyes were nothing compared to the ones looking down at me just inches away. Staring into his irises, I forgot there were others around us.

I thought it might be time to stop denying how I was feeling. As much as it scared me- and it did scare the shit out of me- I couldn't keep lying to myself. I didn't hate Jeon Jungkook. No, I liked him. A lot. Too much. 

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