♥ Shattered ♥

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♥ Shattered ♥

"To the family we've created at JGM and to the success of our future endeavors!" Jimin cheered, raising his glass.

I raised my glass in tandem and took a gulp of the mixed drink. It was well past midnight, and JGM was just getting started with the 'real party', as it was described to me.

The earlier celebration had ended around eleven, and I'd been ushered back to my room to change out of my gown and into a more comfortable dress. I'd found it in my room, lying on the bed, already waiting for me. Keeping with the theme, it was another lace number, though shorter in length. It was fitted in a soft black fabric, with long lace mesh sleeves. It had a mock turtleneck with the front cut out, which left only the chest exposed in a deep v-neck. It was certainly bold.

The rest of the staff had stripped down to less constricting garments as well, with most of the men shedding their suit jackets and opting for just their dress shirts underneath. Now that we were in the privacy of the company's personal suite, everyone seemed much more relaxed. Though, I'm sure that was in part due to Jimin running around with shots and insisting that everyone partake.

When I'd arrived I hadn't caught sight of Jungkook, so I took my seat next to the only other familiar face I recognized who wasn't running around like a madman. Hoseok seemed to be in a cheerful mood, rocking a bright teal shirt with a funky pattern. He was always dressed so fun and fashionable. He patted the spot next to him as I made my way over.

"Y/N!" He beamed. "I haven't seen you since you started. How has the job been treating you?"

"I actually kind of enjoy it," I admitted. "It was a lot to take in at first...but yeah, I really am happy to work for JGM."

"I knew you'd be a perfect fit! I've worked with JGM for seven years and I can't imagine going anywhere else."

Our conversation was interrupted by the sounds of yelling and clattering from bar area. Hoseok and I both turned our heads in unison to find Jungkook and Yoongi shoving each other. I stood up immediately, wanting to rush over to them, but a hand on my wrist stopped me in place.

Hoseok frowned. "Don't get involved, Y/N. They'll work it out."

I shook off his warning. "I just want to make sure Jungkook is okay."

I continued making my way towards them, and Hoseok followed me shaking his head. Jimin was standing just to the side of Jungkook and Yoongi, attempting to calm them down. I couldn't hear their words to understand what it was they were arguing about, and by now they were no longer using many words anyways. Poor Jimin was having to dodge out of the way of flying limbs.

"Can you two stop, seriously?!" Jimin shouted. I'd never seen him so angry. "Yoongi, leave him alone. You don't need to push his buttons for fun every time you two come into contact with one another."

Yoongi laughed maniacally, his eyes never leaving Jungkook. "He's pathetic. Keeps fighting his nature." He threw his hands up. "Things could be so much better for us- all of us, if he didn't hold us back with all of these bullshit rules."

"You're too new to this life," Jungkook retorted sharply. "You don't understand the way the world works."

"Oh, I understand." His head turned towards me and I froze. "To get what you want, you have to be willing to sacrifice."

Jungkook's jaw tightened, his gaze following Yoongi closely. Yoongi slammed his drink down on the bar, shattering the glass. I watched as he picked up a large shard. I watched as he lunged towards Jungkook with a murderous grin. And then- my body moved on its own, to intercept him.

The next moments passed in an impossibly fast blur. I felt the glass graze my arm, ripping the lace and slicing my skin in a line. I felt someone forcefully rip me back away from Jungkook and Yoongi. But then, just as quickly, time seemed to stand still, and all eyes in the room were turned towards me, clutching my arm to staunch the bleeding.

Jimin had been the one to pull me away, but he was now keeled over at my side, covering his face with his hand. "G-Get away from me, Y/N."

"Jimin..." I leaned over him instinctively, reaching out to touch his shoulder.

"I said get away!" His voice was so fierce I staggered back, but what had startled me more was his face...irises the color of crimson and animal-like fangs protruding from his open mouth.

Before I had time to process what I was seeing, Hoseok was grabbing my wrist and pulling me away. "Come on. We need to leave now."

"What about Jungkook?" I searched for him in the chaos that was erupting around us and found him holding Yoongi down on the ground. He was thrashing under Jungkook's grip, with those same ruby eyes I'd seen on Jimin.

"There's no time. Now, Y/N."

I allowed Hoseok to drag me out of the suite, down several flights of stairs, through the hallway, all the way to what I assumed to be his room. He pulled a card from his pocket and unlocked the door, practically pushing me inside. With both hands on his hips, he let out a deep sigh. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words seemed to be stuck there.

I sat down on the couch in his room and let my inner thoughts flow free. "What the hell was that? Why did they look like that? Am I seeing things? Am I drunk?"

"Let me take care of your cut first," Hoseok insisted, moving to the bathroom. He came back with a first aid kit in hand.

"How are you so calm right now?" I searched his face for some modicum of surprise, but there was nothing there. He was completely unphased.

He ignored my question, examining my cut. "It isn't deep. You won't need stitches. Let me just clean it up and and bandage it."

"Hoseok, please..."

Blotting at my wound, he looked up at me. "Like I told you, I've been with JGM for seven years. This isn't the first accident I've witnessed, and though we are careful, I'm sure it won't be the last."

"What are they?" My arm only hurt half as bad as my head did trying to comprehend what was going on.

"I think you need to speak with Jungkook about that. It's not my place..."

That was when the knock at the door came. 

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