♥ Intoxicating ♥

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♥ Intoxicating ♥

Aside from the misery of Monday, the rest of the work week went comparatively peacefully. Now, Friday evening, I was eager to get out of the penthouse that was slowly suffocating me. When Taehyung called to meet up for drinks, I was more than happy to join in. Anything that could help me forget the work week and destress. Plus, I wanted to vent.

We were going to Taehyung's favorite social club. Somewhere fancy and a tad pretentious, but the drinks were good...and strong. I'd have to get decently dressed up, which was a welcome change. Working from home most of the time meant a lot of messy buns, wrinkled t-shirts, and jeans at best, though more often it was sweatpants. Luckily, my demon of a boss seemed not to care about my dress code.

After trying on the few dresses I had, I ended up selecting a fitted black satin mini dress. Simple and classic. A tad bit provocative. The perfect choice. I dressed it up with strappy heels and long dangling earrings. My hair was styled loose in delicate curls cascading down to my waist. My makeup- a simple eyeliner and some shimmer in just the right places. I don't know what inspired me to go all out, but I felt good looking in the mirror. Confident.

When I arrived at the club, Taehyung was waiting for me in a booth. Next to him, sat Jimin. I wanted to curse Tae for the lack of warning that it wouldn't just be the two of us, but warning was never his style. Of all people, though, it had to be Jimin? Not that I was heeding Jungkook's advice to stay away from the guy, but I didn't exactly want to see someone from JGM. Not when I fully intended to get drunk and complain about their CEO tonight.

"You look disappointed," Jimin noted in a teasing tone as I sat down across from them. "I can't help but be offended. I was looking forward to seeing you again."

"Not disappointed, only surprised," I replied, raising a brow at Taehyung.

He mouthed an apology to me and offered me a drink as a peace offering. I took a sip. Something fruity and sugary where you didn't notice the alcohol, no doubt possessing the ability to sneak up on you, leaving you waking up unsure of where the night took you. I'd pace myself.

"So, Y/N, how was the first week of the job?" Jimin smiled, taking a swig of his drink. Now that I'd taken a proper look at him, I noticed how he looked even more handsome tonight than when I'd first met him. He'd donned a velvet plum suit jacket which barely exposed his chest. He really did ooze charm.

Enough of that. His question. Focus, Y/N. "It was...a unique experience."

"Jungkook can be such an ass, can't he?" Jimin laughed loudly, throwing his head back. "Poor guy still doesn't know how to handle his emotions after all this time."

"You've known each other a long time?" I questioned.

"Oh yes, very long. He's a good man, truly, when he isn't fighting everything he is. Hopefully you'll get the chance to see it."

Maybe I had seen it- for just a brief moment when he'd helped get me away from that creep Yoongi. It wasn't enough for me to forget all of his other insufferable qualities, though. "I hope you're right."

Taehyung, apparently growing bored with our chatter, ordered another round of drinks. "Bottoms up!"

The liquid ran down my throat with the slightest burn. With little else in my stomach, it's effects were hitting me quicker than I'd intended. "Why don't we order some food?" I offered.

"Ah, you lightweight!" Taehyung teased. "Very well. I'll run downstairs and put in an order."

With Taehyung gone, it was just Jimin and I left alone. Suddenly, I felt that same nervousness I'd felt before. The way he looked at me made me feel naked under his gaze. Vulnerable. It made my body tingle and my pulse raced in anticipation. I hung on every little movement he made. The way he touched his fingers to the table. The way he tilted his head back to take another gulp of his drink. The way he licked his lips afterwards.

"You're a good girl, Y/N," he spoke suddenly. "I really wish you were mine."


"My assistant." He smiled coyly. "You've done such a great job catching on in only one week. All of the work you've been sending in for Jungkook has been top notch. You're going to be irreplaceable in no time."

Of course. He meant as his assistant. I mentally slapped myself for getting the wrong idea. "Oh, no!" I chuckled anxiously. "You're flattering me too much. I'm still learning."

"Don't be so modest." Jimin pulled his cell phone from his pocket. "Shall we take a picture to commemorate our first night out?"

"Sure." I barely had time to answer before he was sliding into the booth next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. The inevitable flush of my face would be obvious in the photo.

"To new beginnings!"

After the selfie was taken, Jimin excused himself to take a work call. I tried to process what I was feeling, what I was thinking, but it was no use. The two men were back in a matter of mere minutes, and I pushed all of that to the side. Another drink or two and I wouldn't care much anyways. I'd better eat the food Taehyung brought up.

Taehyung was onto his fifth or so chaotic story I'd stopped keeping track- by the time I really started feeling the alcohol in my bloodstream. So, I was absolutely certain I was hallucinating when I saw Jungkook approach our table. So much so I almost reached out to touch him. Only when both Jimin and Taehyung turned to look at him did I realize that it wasn't a hallucination. Jungkook was here.

"H-how did you...get here?" I could barely get the words out of my mouth- for two reasons. One- I was downright shocked to see him. Two- he was looking distractingly...good. He'd traded the usual suit and tie for a silky black button up and fitted black slacks. Of course, he'd not bothered to button the shirt up all the way. Halfway, at best.

"That may be my fault," Jimin snickered. "I was testing a theory."

Jungkook looked pissed, and for once it didn't seem to be at me. He was staring daggers right at Jimin. "A theory?"

"I was right, by the way." Jimin smiled. "Join us. You two don't mind?"

"Of course not!" Taehyung chirped. Social butterfly. Bastard.

"Sure," I said tight lipped.

Jungkook slid into the booth next to me, brushing his shoulder against mine. I was acutely aware of his closeness, able to smell the cologne on his skin, sweet and delicate. He turned his head to look at me, and I was pleasantly surprised to see the faintest smile on his lips. And also a tad bit terrified.

"Are you drunk again?" He whispered softly in my ear. It sent a chill down my spine in a way I couldn't describe.

I turned my head towards him and whispered back, "I am not." 

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