♥ Together ♥

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♥ Together ♥

It was the second time I'd ever stepped foot on the floor where Jungkook resided. The first being when he'd hid me away from Yoongi. Then, I'd felt nervous and out of place- albeit rather drunk. Now, I was completely out of my mind with anxiety. He simply didn't want to sleep alone, not tonight, he'd assured me. Still, I rushed to my room to freshen up and put on more frilly and sexy than usual underwear and pajamas. Satin. Lace.

I took one look at myself in the mirror and smacked myself in the forehead. He'd just poured his heart out to me and here I was acting like a thirsty pervert. But the way he'd looked earlier...all rugged and disheveled made me think about what he might look like if we... I smacked myself again. If I was going to survive the night I had to think about something else. Anything else. Taehyung's sweaty socks. Missing the airing of one of my favorite drama's new episodes. That one time I tried to cook jjigae and it turned into black mush.

Those images were what I carried with me as I made my way to Jungkook's bedroom. I knocked and he hollered for me to come inside. What awaited me in that room would take mental fortitude I didn't think I possessed to endure. Jungkook. Hair damp from the shower he'd evidently just taken. An excessively tight black t-shirt. Sweatpants that left little to the imagination. I scrunched my eyes closed, praying for the visage of him to leave my mind. Socks. Drama. Jjigae. Socks. Drama. Jjigae.

"What're you doing?" He chuckled. "I'm not naked."

My eyes shot open. "Hilarious."

"Should I question why you look like that?" He raised a brow, a teasing smirk playing on his lips.

"They're just pajamas." I narrowed my eyes at him, a warning look, and made my way over to the bed.

Of course, he took that as an invitation to push me further. He followed around to the opposite side of the bed. "You're normally sleeping in those baggy t-shirts and fuzzy pants,"- his eyes wandered to my silk shorts and camisole- "but tonight it seems like you dressed up. Were you expecting something?"

My cheeks singed with burning hot embarrassment and I snapped back in reply, "For someone who was being so much of a baby that they didn't want to sleep alone you sure are picking a fight."

His breathy laugh filled the room. "You're right. I'll stop teasing you."

I was the first to slide under the covers, certain that I'd lose my nerve if I saw him lying there. The mattress sunk down, the sure tell sign that he'd crawled in bed next to me. My back was to him, my stare focused on the bedroom wall, as I repeated the mantra from earlier to keep my impure thoughts at bay. It wasn't working all too well. The sheets smelled of him- sweet and floral. With the scent alone, my imagination was working overtime.

Then, I felt his breath tickle against my neck and I knew I was fucked. That bastard. He was facing me. I sucked in a sharp breath and heard a low chuckle from behind me. Bastard. Asshole bastard. I turned to face him, to sling every insult in the book at his face. That- was my first mistake, or one of many- I was losing track. The words left my mouth when I saw his sleepy face, only inches from mine.

I didn't want to succumb to his seduction, not until I plainly told him my true feelings. I wasn't just blazingly attracted to him- I'd fallen for him. As much as I wanted to, and trust me I wanted to, I knew I shouldn't act on my feral impulses. Probably...no, definitely. But maybe just a little?

"This was a terrible idea," I mumbled.

Jungkook traced the edges of my jaw with his thumb. "Why's that?"

"Because I don't want to- I mean- I want to, but I don't want to...without us...you know?"

A lazy smile made its way to his face. "You might have to word that better, Y/N." His thumb continued running along my skin, sending shivers through my body.

"I should tell you how I really feel about you."

"Hm...you mentioned you hated me. That I was an asshole once or twice." He smirked until I shot him a dirty look, then his face softened. "You think I don't know?"

My eyes widened and I pulled back. "What do you mean...you know?"

He tucked my hair behind my ear and wrapped his arm around my waist. "In the way you hug me, in the way you kiss me, in the way you worry over me. Did you think I wouldn't feel it? I tried to ignore it...my own feelings, as well, but you make it impossible. For a while now, I've felt this way." He stared deep into my eyes, his voice calm. "I would never do the things I've done with you if I didn't feel the way I do. I wouldn't toy with you like that."

It felt as though the wind had been knocked out of me. I was almost positive of what he was trying to tell me, but my insecurities led me to ask anyway. "What is it, exactly- how you feel?"

"I'm sorry, Y/N, for trying to make you hate me. I thought it would be better for both of us- maybe it still is. But I can't do it anymore." He scooted closer to me, closing the distance I had made earlier. "With every ounce of me, I love you."

I think I gasped, but my mind went blank for so long that I couldn't be certain. I meant to say it back, to tell him I loved him too, but I wasn't certain I managed to do that either. I just knew my lips found his, and if I hadn't said it out loud, I'd definitely said it through our kiss. This one was different- it wasn't just lust, though that lingered in the undertones, this was all of our longing, all of our unspoken words, all of our love.

When we finally pulled apart, there was a moment of silence between us. I took my opportunity. "I love you, Jungkook."

The smile that lit his face was the brightest I'd ever seen. He pulled me up against his chest, burying my head in the crook of his neck. I could feel the hum of his voice as he spoke. "I haven't slept in over forty eight hours, a bit too long even for me...but I promise when I wake up I'm going to finish what I started."

I bit my bottom lip to hold in the gasp that nearly escaped my throat. Part of me was glad to get some rest, even if I knew I'd never sleep after that declaration from him. The other part of me wanted him now, right now, despite us both being so exhausted we were barely conscious. After that kiss, my body was singing for him, and pressed up against him, I knew he wanted me too.

"Don't argue. I don't think I can resist you twice," he mumbled. "Besides, you're going to want to be fully rested for me." I couldn't see it but I just knew he was smirking, and I was thankful he couldn't see how flustered that comment had made me.

The fact that I slept at all was surprising, but the fact that it was one of the best nights of sleep of my life made no sense at all. Laying there in his arms I felt safe. Blissful. I wanted to stay awake, to savor the moment for as long as I could, but I couldn't fight my heavy eyelids. Sleep took me not longer after we snuggled up against one another. 

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