

Mikoto and Welf yelled out their concerns as they tried to fend off the amazon fighting them.

"Well if it isn't the little shit?"

"And if it isn't the big toad,"

A tick mark appeared on her forehead. She quickly punched me in the face. 

Dodging wasn't worth the time, it would only prolong the inevitable. I got up again though, after all, if I went down too easy it would be weird.

"You're still conscious?"

"Seems so,"

"Hehe...So you can take a beating?"

I had a bad feeling about what was about to happen. I had a small cut in my pants different from my pocket. I already had my hairpin in there and just now I made sure to secretly put my poison orb in there.

She ran at me again and while I was able to narrowly dodge the initial punch the follow-up one knocked me out. 

The last thing I saw before blacking out was Lily who was looking with eyes that said 'You better be fine,'




When I woke up I was in a basement-like area, my hands were chained and there was no one around. I looked around the room and while it seemed like a torture room but it seemed like another kind of torture

I was basically chained to the wall but not in the air. I reach my hand into my pocket and retrieve the items I need

I quickly heard footsteps soon after though and hid the poison orb under my tongue and hid the hairpin in my hair.

"Weellll, if it isn't my favorite little crow,"


I knew that voice anywhere, it was Toad.

She entered through the darkness and with a smirk on her face approached me.

"Try to entertain me a little won't you?"

I didn't say anything as she grabbed my crouch and then a "Tch," left.

"I'ma go grab some love juice then,"

I grab the hairpin and steadily undo the locks that they hand me it. The worst-case scenario was that I had to dislocate my wrist to break free but I guess I'll be alright with this.

The poison orb is in case I actually can't escape and right before they kiss me, I shoot the poison orb into their mouths like a blow dart.

As I undo the second lock I hear another set of footsteps, since I haven't broken out of the locks just unlocked them I still looked locked in.

"Bell, please allow me to help," 

It was Haruhime who had a key with her.

I flashed a smile and broke out of the chains.


"Magic...Just kidding, used this," I flashed the hairpin.

"Ah, I guess that would make sense,"

"Let's talk while we go,"

We then take off the opposite way from Toad to where Haruhime says my stuff is.

"Was anyone else captured?"

"No, it was just you,"


"...Um, Mr. Bell, in truth I had a big deal to do in capturing you,"


"My ability lets me temporarily raise a person's level by one, of course, it's a spell and has a time limit but-"

"Wait, you're serious right?"


Seemingly afraid like I was going to yell she cowered down but instead I let out a soft laugh.

"Hahaha, Haruhime, listen to me. Whether you choose to believe me or not the Ishtar familia is not going to last long, and with your help, I can take care of Toad,"

"But there's still a level difference of one right? That's still a big difference-"

"While it may not be a level boost of sorts I have a trick of my own. I don't like to spoil though," I say with a small smile

"I'll trust you Bell,"

"Good choice,"

We run to the room where my gear is and hear an echo that explodes the whole area.





(Lily's POV)

I went into Bell's lab after getting yelled at by Hestia again for letting Bell get captured. I managed to convince her though that this was part of Bell's plan so she backed off for now.

I open the letter under a glass flask.

As I open it my eyes widen

"While I am grateful you have this much trust in me...This may be a bit much,"

The letter was short but it got to the point.

'Make Eina the leader of the guild by getting Royman fired. Don't care how it's done but don't get caught. Also, Ouranos shouldn't make any moves as long as it is clear that Royman is in the wrong. From there instruct Eina to carry out an investigation on the Hermes familia following the fall of the Ishtar familia. P.S. I don't know if you need it but there are some drugs here if you'd like to use them,'

"...Ahhh..." I gave a sigh at the headache I would be getting in the future.

I'm not sure how Bell found out about Ouranus but everyone that's been here for a while knows that Royman doesn't run the guild, and also that Oranus is behind it. Maybe Hestia told him or possibly a random guy on the streets but Bell's ability to gather information still amazes me.

I leave the room with determination to complete the task given to me.

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