"Alright so this little one is all set." The nurse said as she helped, Nikki to carry N'ylani as Nikki had to carefully put N'ylani's oxygen tank in at the same time and when Karen saw what it was her eyes widened a little bit with concern. But Nikki was going to explain everything when she got home to them because she already knew that her mother had a whole lot of questions for her.

But when Nikki got in the car she had looked in the truck of the car and said was surprised at what she had seen.

"Ma what is all that?!" Nikki asked her surprised and shocked after, Drew had closed her door back. "Oh girl don't act surprised that's not for you all that is for N'ylani." Karen said waving her daughter off and then, N'ylani had seen the balloon and started cryin' for it. "Ma she wants this balloon." Nikki said because it was all bright colors and what not.

"Then give her the balloon if she wants it." Karen told her already defending her grand daughter and Nikki just made a face and just brought the balloon to her daughter because she ain't feel like getting popped by her mama ova her own daughter.

"You finna get me in trouble already." Nikki said to her daughter and N'ylani just smiled playing with her little feet as soon as the balloon was brought over closer to her and she just want to play with the string to see it wiggle. But of course, Nikki had to do it for her.

"You only 7 months and already spoiled." Nikki said giving her baby a kiss on the cheek and immediately, N'ylani calmed down when she got what she wanted.

It was like N'ylani knew she was spoiled and was gonna get what she wanted. She knew she was gonna run that house for the time being.

While they were driving home, Nikki was thinking about the last few months when her sister had gone to New York for a little to work on herself after, Dr.Womack had thought that would be a good idea to give her sister some space from her especially after she had almost killed her unborn niece.

Nikki didn't even go back into her room nor checked it until a few weeks after, Faith had cleaned it up for her. It was like she was so uncomfortable going in there because of how badly her sister had messed up her room and had torn up her art portfolio. Luckily, when Nikki had showed her teacher her art portfolio and broke down crying over it while telling her what happened copies of it were made. But Nikki would still have to re-do the art project so it wasn't that much work that she had to re-do. If anything her newer drawings and paintings came out better than before and she had just decided to use these instead because she had added in a little twist to where her new art portfolio had looked completely different from her old one that her sister had trashed. So, her old art work copies had inspired her new art work as well as what had happened over the last few months.

And no one really knew that Nikki was pregnant except for her teacher since one she didn't even look pregnant and two she wasn't even pregnant long enough for her stomach to start showing to where people could tell. She guessed it was a good thing that N'ylani came early because she could continue going to school in peace. But yet the guy who had taken advantage of her was still there but he just didn't know that he had a daughter yet. All he knew was that his parents was now on his ass about a pending case they wouldn't tell him nothing about.

Of course, Karen did get into contact with the parents and they had a meeting about what happened and they understood why Karen was so livid that even Drew couldn't calm his wife down during the meeting. But the parents didn't blame her for how she reacted. If anything they knew that something had to be done about their sons outrageous behavior. It was like when the meeting was over, Karen had walked out of that office pissed off as hell.

And everybody was concerned about why the Bishop and the First Lady of GEI was even there to begin with and the students didn't put two and two together when rumors started coming out about that De'Marcus had taken advantage of someone and they just didn't know who.

Family Secrets Part 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu