Chapter 1-When the world stopped turning

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My heart stops... I feel like I've just been frown into a bomb fire. My brick walls falling around my feet...

I just... I just don't know how it happened, I don't understand? Just thinking about it makes my tears flow like waterfalls. I'm an Orphan... I never thought I would be, I mean, I hadn't even thought about moving out of my parents house, let alone knowing that you will never see them again... well, living.

"Miss Lopez" a bitter old hag said from across the halls. "Collect your sister, and GO" she has such a sly tone to her voice, I'm pretty sure she can kill an animal just by looking at it.

Well, I might as well follow her. Every time her heels hit the cold laminated floor, it rings for miles around. Why is this corridor so dam long? you never know, I might be 50 by the time I get to the end of it. If only if someone could close a window around hear, my cheerleading uniform Isn't the ideal outfit of choice for 1:15am. Why did mom and dad have to die whilst I was at school?

Finally where at the nursery, about time! if I walk any longer my legs will have to retire. Maria must of slept through the whole thing, poor thing, she will never get her mom back, ever. I have her zebra print car seat in my hand and my car keys in my mouth. I sure hope I don't sleep while driving. I can't wait to dream, dream that this never, NEVER happens...

Thank you for reading my first ever chapter. Tell me if you like it (if you don't please don't say) and I will bring you chapter 2 soon :)       

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