Chapter 18: A very impossible feat

Start from the beginning

[Let's go!!!!!!!!] Yes, that is me, the very original me. Still, no matter what age I am in, getting inside huge frickin robots is a dream come true, and nobody will stop me from getting excited every time.

The broadsword cleaved the floor, causing dirt and rocks to fly towards her direction.


This is new!? Did it got a software update or something? IDK, but it's there anyway.

[I may not be as strong as you, but this is!] Dashing to the side quickly causes dirt to scatter, just how heavy this is does not matter as well. Performance is what is needed, and smooth is slow, but slow is fast.


[It disappeared?!] (Rynia) Ronin's phase dash is far more superior than the one I use, how? Just imagine the different between the time it takes before the ability expires, they have a few seconds difference.

Believing that I would attack her from the rear was an obvious choice from her, but little did she know. We were just standing in front of her.


A monster to counter a monstrous person, isn't that fitting despite being an overkill method? Surely one might say yes, but say that to the person we're facing who's currently parrying with all her might the almighty broadsword.

[Ahahahahahahahahah!!!!! I've never been this exhalarated before! I can feel my blood boiling again!!!!!!!] (Rynia) She's battle-hardened, and battle-crazed. 

[To think she's even making Ronin exert more force than ever] She's really a monstrous woman with monstrous strength.

[Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!] (Rynia) 

She's truthfully a monster, she managed to push Ronin a few meters back.

Like heck, even I had no idea she could do that.

[Holy shit............] 

At this point, I don't even know whether calling for Ronin's help is a good thing or not.

Clearly, the feat of pushing a heavy ??? ton monster is already an impossible feat. Yet she could do that in the heat of the moment.

All I could clearly see is our defeat at this point.

[Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] (Rynia) Yeah.............pretty sure of it.



[Gaaahahahahahah!!!!! Even with your tricks, that missy is one hell of a monster to fight against right?] (??)

[Gyahahahahaha!!! And you got to be the recent victim of it!] (??) 

At the bar within the guild, the jeering but sympathetic comments of the drunkards erupted at the scene. Beer splashes as cheering and welcome was the atmosphere, other than that I feel conflicted about it.

Ronin was forced to enter a state of repair due to the extensive damage it received from her. An arm detached, the leg has been damaged, and the blade nicked. The reason for it was because mana coated weapons have a 50X damage multiplier against objects, the one who told me? The dwarves who were drinking with me.

[Still to think you're also a golem meister, the guild sure is surprising these days isn't it?] (??)

[Yeah, the last one we saw was a missy who created her own servants out of golems] (??) These drunkard uncles crowded the table near me, other than them, the suspect in question is currently inhaling all beer as if it was water.

[More! Booze! Give me more of it!] (Rynia) She's a fish, I am sure of it.

[Al-Alrighty!] (??) I am sorry miss barmaid, I can only apologize in silence as I am also busy dealing with these uncles who are inquisitively drunk.

[Don't mind her Jack, you surviving long enough for 5 minutes is already amazing. Most of them can't even go against her in a few seconds] (Ethan) With his own ale mug, the twin brother, Ethan, accompanied this fray.

[Yeah, Rynia is just, Rynia?] (Nene) The girl beside him, Nene who is my proxy , had her own cup but it was filled with fruit juice instead.

Rather I should not be worried about the result of the fight, but about Ronin's existence being revealed publicly. The reason I did so was to receive the support of the guild, like a backer, just in case I use it and an accident might occur. What if someone out there would demand to hand him over? Surely, that is one annoying outcome to think of, but it was not impossible.

On the good side however, it seems Ronin was well received? Among those that were curious about his existence, is the entirety of the guild.

[So cool! How did you get inside it!?] (??) Of course, young boys were the main ones that were excited about its existence.


I lost at the battle, but ultimately won the war. At the cost of new annoyance, I wonder if my daily life will still be normal after this.

Also, a few silver coins disappeared from my wallet after this.

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