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Hi. Welcome or welcome back if you are not new.

This is just a disclaimer/warning/author's note that I want to get out before you read the story. I just wanted to get this all out of the way so you can enjoy the story in peace.

This was originally meant to just be a one-shot but I felt this deserved to be it's own story so here we are. In all honesty, it was actually supposed to be 10 chapters but I felt like it needed much more. And, well. Definitely more than 10 chapters.

This story is inspired by one of my favourite Cdramas, Love Between Fairy and Devil. I expect as I write this, quite a bit of the concepts (such as the different realms, the immortal exams, the big war that caused the whole thing) in this will be adapted from the drama but obviously this is miraculous so a lot will be changed according to the miraculous world (e.g. akumas, the characters etc.). 

This is, however, my own storyline (though some events are inspired by the drama- see episode 9 of the drama, my favourite part of the whole show- I couldn't resist putting it in).

I have spent a lot of time writing this story- countless of hours have gone into making it absolutely perfect for you guys (seriously- the amount of planning and planning again before actually writing and then planning some more when what I actually wrote changed the trajectory of the story was longer than I'd probably admit- but it was worth it in the end). Compared to the other stories I have written, this one is my most passionate piece of writing yet.

I will also be posting this story on Ao3 at around the same time so, if you prefer to be there to read, here is the link to my profile: https://archiveofourown.org/users/PersiaLionheart

My one-shots are also posted separately there.

The next part is something I do believe is serious that must be said before we start but if you do want to skip this, it is basically a trigger warning:

I do not condone any type of abuse(physical, emotional, mental etc.) or violence ever. It is something that I myself was subject to at one point in my life which contributed a lot to why I was depressed for a while. I would never wish this on someone. Ever. Thankfully, now I am in a better place so I do not experience triggers much anymore but I hope that for anyone who feels like any type of description of violence will trigger them (no matter how small) to please not read this. And if you do still read and feel that there are parts which are a bit too much for you, please take a break, inhale and exhale, and come back if you feel like it. Though, please, never force yourself to do so.

I know most people will expect the violence when clicking in but I still want to warn you that there will be violence. There will be some form of torture and/or what will likely be referred to as punishment. This story is in a fantasy setting but it takes a lot of elements of the past where punishment was, a lot of the time torture. It also has a lot of implication of war and fighting. Just, I want you guys to understand that a lot of what happens in this story should never happen in real life. 

This may seem unimportant to a lot of you, but it is important to me that all of you are happy and okay whilst reading this story (well apart from the tear-jerking moments). Triggers can happen when people least expect it and from the most simple of things sometimes and I just want you to be a bit more aware that there will be violence in this story and a lot of death.

Now onto the last bit I want to just state before you move on just so you guys understand how I structured this story:

The main story is split into 3 parts, the beginning conflict, the middle, and the end and will be around 30 chapters. As you read, you will understand why it has been split in such a way (and you may realise why it couldn't just be ten chapters. It just couldn't).  

But don't worry! It won't be over quite yet as I have a 4th part planned out also. Just a little treat after reading the main parts if you are still here by the end of Part 3.

Just read on and I hope you will be satisfied with this story I made just for your enjoyment.

And now I present to you lovelies:

*insert dramatic drumroll*

Realms Against Us, We Chose This Destiny


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(P.s. I make all of my covers on canva if anyone is wondering. I spent a good hour making this and I also made a few others which I basically wasted time on because my sister looked at them and was like, this one is the best one.)

See you soon lovelies <3

Realms Against Us, We Chose This DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now