Part III: Chapter 10

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This chapter is very much about Felix and Marinette's relationship with each other and how they each brought comfort to each other, since other than Marinette, it would be Felix who is the most affected by Adrien's death. So I think they have that mutual feeling of love for Adrien which makes them care for each other a lot as well.

Other than that, we have sadness. Again. I'm sorry.

On we go! To the finale!


Adrien was dead.

Adrien died.

Adrien sacrificed himself for her.


"No. No, no, NO! NO!"

She stood up quickly, rushing forward towards what was left of the bridge. Her heart didn't even lurch as her feet kicked some stray rock off the edge and it fell straight into the deep and now ravaging waters.

"Marinette!" It was Felix who came after her before she could fall into the Celestial River, holding her up by the waist and spinning her so she was away from the edge.

"Let go of me," she kicked her legs as she was in the air, "Felix, LET ME DOWN!"

He ignored her plea and the way she kept on hitting at his arms in an effort to put her down. He wouldn't admit it, but with her uncontrollable strength, he almost did.

"I know," his voice croaked "I know you want to go to him. I know that. I do too," he admitted.

He wanted to just forget everything and run to his brother, or what was remaining to him. Just one last time, if he could, he wanted to see him. He wished that this was all just a big prank. That what Adrien had done had not caused him to self-destruct, just cause the surroundings to be destroyed. And that after the blackness cleared, he would walk through as if nothing happened, free from their father and free from the eternal burden he had carried since even before he had started to train in accordance with their father's wishes.

He knew that would never happen now. And all that hope he had that it could, disappeared as soon as Marinette had dropped down to the floor with a devastatingly knowing look.

"Then put me down," she demanded, her hands tightening around his arms with a deathly grip.

"But you know, Adrien would never want you to die for him again."

They had spoken about it in the small amount of time he had brought her back from the mortal world. How grateful he was that she was willing to sacrifice herself for him. Yet he was so scared that she would do it again, so frightened that if she did it another time, it would be more permanent. That he might not have a chance to see her again. He had said that if there was a choice between the one who creates and the one who destroys, it would be better for the one who destroys to leave the world.

Creation actually had a chance of creating peace, unlike Destruction.

But for Adrien, it was more than that. It was the fact that he wouldn't be able to bear losing the one he loved anymore. He had spent so much time without her by his side that he felt, if he lost another day with her, it would be excruciating.

Even if he was... dead, Felix knew that Adrien did not want Marinette to join him.

"What's the point? What's the point if he's not here?" She cried. Her grip loosened a bit as her tears continued to flow down her face, a constant reminder that nothing was right with the world she was in, "Why do I have to still be here if he isn't?"

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