Part III: Chapter 2

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Part 2 was rather long wasn't it? I will try to make these chapters shorter but I am not sure if they will be lol (This one definitely isn't but the next ones will be shorter). Whenever I start writing, it just doesn't stop. Funnily enough though, this chapter is giving me writers block because I'm unsure of how to write what I planned out fully. Actually, nvm. I just looked at the plan I had and I managed to get out of that block.

In all honesty, I don't know how I managed to write so much. I'm still half in shock. But I guess, as long as you persevere, you will be able to achieve whatever goal you have. 

This chap is gonna be another dialogue heavy one because today, we are going to be explaining a lot. Finally. 

Also we have reached 100k words actually now!!!! I'm really happy!!! 


"Here it is," Marinette said, "Look," she pointed to an excerpt in the book she had retrieved from Caline. It was the same book she had been reading before she was kidnapped.

Adrien took the book from her and read out loud, "There is something out there- someone who decided to play with the dark magics and use it to make these creatures and use them to control what a person would desire, twisting it into their own evil cocoon until the desire became less about what the person wanted, and more about the power they- whomever they could be- could gain," his eyes skimmed over the next words and when he couldn't find what he wanted on the page, he flicked through the other pages, "But it doesn't say who."

"That's because no one knew back then. As you now know, I spent all that time whilst you were imprisoned trying to study every instant and trying to figure out who was controlling the akumas," he nodded, thinking back to their conversations on what she had been doing whilst she had been 'dead' and urged her to continue, "But even before that, I noticed that there was a pattern in where they were coming from."

"One place?"

She looked at him with a grimace on her face, "You won't like it."

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I've had my suspicions so just confirm them."

"The area which your father was quote-unquote buried," her fingers moved to make speech marks on either side of her face, "He was my first suspect. And I was mostly sure it was him. But I had no time to confirm it since it was time that our plan went through back then. When I met your mother in the after realm, she confirmed it was."

With a heavy heart, Adrien sunk down against the bookshelf which he had been leaning on and put his head in his hands, "Even in death he has to torment me."

Marinette sat on the floor next to him, not at all caring if she was collecting dust with her clothes. Her prime motive was only to comfort him and so she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and just held onto him. He wasn't crying but regardless, she knew he needed it. 

"Whatever happens Adrien, trust that we will get through it all together."

He moved his hands away from his face and stared at her. She raised her eyebrow when he didn't speak but he just shook his head in an amused manner and pressed a kiss on her forehead as a means of gratitude for her sweet words. She retracted her arms and instead rested one of her hands on his bicep, the other around his elbow. Her head leaned on his shoulder and they remained quiet, neither of them even bothering to look through the book.

After a few moments though, Marinette lifted her head and looked up at him, her hands remaining around his one arm, "It's about time, don't you think?" 

He gave her a questioning glance, "For what?"

"Luka," she said, pointedly ignoring the way he scrunched his nose at the mention of her former betrothed (though she found it very cute whenever he became this way), "He should be back by now. It's been a few months."

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