Part I: Chapter 5

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So, for the people who have read from the start, I have actually changed a few things mainly because it makes more sense to me for this story.

The war took place 70,000 years ago instead of 5 million.

And Alya and Nino only became immortals 30,000 years ago. 

If you notice a part where I haven't changed this, just leave a comment and I will fix it.


She rolled her eyes when she released him, grabbing her wrist and rubbing at where she felt some lingering pain, "Believe me," she mumbled, "I- WATCH OUT!"

Before he could react, a strange form of energy pulsed through her body and forced it's way out from where her hand was outstretched, forming a sphere around them, the shade a faint crimson- unlike any other shield he'd seen in a fairy or demon- surrounded them. 

Usually, protective shields were a blinding white or yellow glow. For specific animals, like turtles, they could have a more green tinge, mimicking the shell of their spirit- but only if they had been able to master the shell perfectly. He recalled in his youth, meeting a turtle that went by the name of Fu, who had protected him from a beast (not like the one on front of them) the one and only time he had ventured to Soleria before he had met her. The old man's shield was as green as the very colour that matched Adrien's eyes and once it had been removed, Fu had personally seen to it that he made it back to the celestial lands between the two realms without people noticing he was even there.

The only difference in the shield protecting him now was the very distinctive red under black spots that made the shield look like a...a...'Ladybug? It can't be!' 

Only she had been able to possess that ability to cast a shield so strong that it's colour had become almost as deep as blood, however. She had once said it had represented her love for him, "I have fallen into the devastating abyss that is your complexity with no way to come out-no- with no way for me to say I want to get out. There is nothing stopping me from being the one who has vowed to protect you. You mean to me exceptionally more than you realise, and I will not waver because of anyone or anything. Not even yourself can stop me from what I believe should be my purpose."

He shook his head and quickly dispelled the painful feeling in his chest, wondering when he would be able to find her again. And continuously, the thought and maybe a bit of longing bloomed in him that maybe, just maybe the girl on front of him was her

He was about to step on front of her.

She cast another spell that he didn't even recognise, but he could tell from the way her skin started to glow in the same red hue and the way her eyes became glossed over with a sheen of black that she probably didn't even realise what she was doing. Just the oddity of her skin, caused him to halt in his tracks and stay where he still was, behind her, astounded. It was like something inside of her had taken over, knowing that even though he could very well protect himself, it would be there to protect him instead. And he could somehow feel it radiate off of her. The flower of hope she had planted in the back of his mind was very much starting to take it's most desired form.

He peered over her shoulder to see what exactly she was defending them both from and found that it was a large beast, one he had never seen before, writhing on the ground in a subdued state. It was the shape of of a butterfly, but it was too big and too monstrous to be disregarded as anything but dangerous- not that he was afraid of it in particular, rather of the unknown. It's colour was a mix of black and an electrifying purple which looked like lighting strikes against the darkness. But unlike the comforting lightning he had become used to, there was something unnerving about the ginormous creature and the way he couldn't keep his eyes off of it, as if it had commanded him to keep looking. The feeling he got when looking at it, however, was familiar. He just couldn't figure with his senses going haywire at the scene around him, how?

Realms Against Us, We Chose This Destinyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن