Part I: Chapter 2

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It's a tiny bit later than I wanted to post because I was writing a one-shot and lost track of time.


She screamed as she felt herself being pulled down the abyss in the centre of the prison. It felt like eternity as she fell through but somehow she knew it was only a second. Still her screams grew longer and would not stop until her mouth began to run dry and her voice became hoarse. She tried to catch her breath but as she was pulled towards wherever in hell she was falling towards, it was like forces were working against her and sucking all of the air out of her. Her vision became darker and darker, but this time it wasn't her powers that caused it.

The darkness consumed her in an unsettling way which made her think, 'This is it. I'm dying.'

She closed her eyes- as her vision was shrouded anyways- and she braced for impact.

"Goodbye world," she whispered.

And that was when the light appeared.

That was when she saw him.

A prisoner. Clad in just a black robe, his blond-almost white hair grown way past his torso, as if he had been stuck here for millennia. His robe was covered in ornate embroidered patterns, a surprisingly neon green contrasting to the black cloth. It was shocking how clean he looked. She assumed he was a prisoner from the way he seemed to be held back by forces she was uncertain of. He seemed to be stuck there. To most it would be unnoticeable but to her, she could see the threatening red light- and she realised it was the only light in this place, this void- that surrounded him, keeping him locked out of the world. The same world she had just fallen out of.

He was as stiff as a board and from where her vision honed in, she could see a resigned look on his face. A look that meant he had lost hope. She remembered seeing the same look in her Master, Old Fu. It was the last thing she remembered of him. The last she had ever seen of him.

But she was moving closer, despite her mind protesting. Despite her head screaming 'DANGER!'

She couldn't even scream anymore.

And her body inched closer, even when she tried to force it away. The attraction that pulled her in would not stop.

Her mind thought danger but her heart felt content.

She didn't know how long it took to actually reach the light, a few hours. A few seconds. But when she did, it didn't stop her from reaching him. In fact it beckoned her. Whispered to her in a voice she felt herself recognise, "Yet where?" She questioned.

"Come in."

The light welcomed her like an old friend and her mind stopped thinking that it posed a threat to her. How could it when it engulfed her like a warm blanket on a particularly cold day?

To her, it felt right.

Even though there was lighting and rain (and where in hell was that coming from?) all around her, the light protected her from everything. She felt one last force shove her in the direction of the unknown man- who she was pretty sure was a demon or a devil or any being from Luneith of some sort- and before she knew it, her body had pushed her face too far and her lips were on his.

Her shocked blue eyes met electrifying green ones, just as surprised as she was.

The light around them shattered, like a broken mirror.

At that moment, two souls were forged into one.


The next time she opened her eyes, she was lying on the ground staring at those eyes again.

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