Part III: Chapter 9

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AAAAAHHHH NOOOOO!!!! We are finally at the part I was dreading writing fhrsjkedhjjrsbfkjeeemjnhbs. 


Intense sadness coming through. Why do I do this to myself and to you guys?

I'm sorry but this has to be done. This is the one thing in the story which I haven't changed the plot since I started planning. In fact, it was what everything was working towards so I am not stopping now mwahahaahaha.

Woah oops I'm meant to be sad but I feel kind of evil for this. 


"Marinette," his voice was broken, hoarse, but he smiled at her like he hadn't just been through hell in back, as if he still wasn't in it, "You're here."

He was so pale. He looked so sickly. He seemed physically pained and mentally, even more so.

It was so unfair.

For so long, they were the ones who were targeted by the Fates because they decided to reject the destiny laid out for them. But what was destiny, if not the choices they chose to make? What was the point of life, if not to have the ability to make their own decisions, rather than just do as the outer forces in their life wanted? 

No one had ever actually seen the Fates, so how could people rely on the word of invisible forces with such a skewed and fickle perception?

She gave a pensive smile and placed a hand on his cheek, stroking it calmly, "I am. I'm here Adrien. And I'm not leaving."

Even if the Fates wanted her to, even if the entire universe wished for her to leave him, the only way she would was if he told her to. 

The bridge around them shook menacingly as if it was ready to crumble apart with the fury of the Fates.

"You should," his smile fell, "I'm a monster."

He was a monster of his father's making. He was something that shouldn't have existed, that probably should have died long ago, ironically, at the hands of his own father. But he was still alive. He still became the one her people feared, like his father wanted. He had fallen into his father's trap before he had even started to attempt to evade it. 

She shook her head as she shuffled closer to him, "No, Adrien, no. You aren't. You never were."

A small tear sneaked out of his eye, "But I am. I always was. He made sure of it."

She frowned, though she likely already knew, "What are you talking about Adrien? What makes you say this?"

She still wanted him to say it himself. To confirm what she already knew was a possibility. To get the words out of his mouth so he didn't keep it locked in his heart, squeezing it painfully until every last drop of his blood and his emotions ruptured and collapsed into a lifeless body.

Again, he smiled, this time it seemed more sarcastic and bitter, and he almost laughed, "All this time I have only been my father's little monster to play with. I never belonged to myself. I was only his pawn in the game of power. And all this time I had tried to avenge his death, but now I realise I should never have. Or had I done so because he willed me to?"

He had always wondered why, for a long time, he couldn't find it within himself to hate his father. Was it simply because it was his father, or was it something else? Had it always just been his father's influence?

His only saving grace was the one in front of him.

Suddenly she understood, or her suspicions had been confirmed, "You mean-"

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