Part I: Chapter 6

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Today we have a little bonding and even some sexual tension between our main couple. Did you guess this chapter would be like that?


"You're awake," she heard as her eyes blearily opened.

She yawned and sat up, her eyes naturally closing as her mouth opened wide, stretching her arms above her in an animated manner whilst also nodding her head and humming in reply to the soothingly rough voice that spoke to her.

And then her arms abruptly dropped to her sides as her eyes cracked open, suddenly remembering that the voice was too low to be that of the plant fairies who tended to wake her up when she was going to be late to starting her day (not that she woke up even then) and she was looking at the devil that had been pleasantly haunting her recent dreams.

Including the one she had just had of him being a prince stuck in a tower with a large red and gold dragon flying around the tower in order to keep anyone from coming in. In her dream, she was a brave knight who called herself Ladybug. Her armour matched her name being shined and buffed in a metallic red with black accents, and she carried a longsword with the hilt having a ladybug emblem imprinted on it. She had went through the perilous journey of saving the prince by slaying the dragon. But most of the dream passed by in a blur and she could only vividly remember the last bits of it before she woke up. The dream ended with her and the prince leaning in and- perhaps she should just stop thinking when the person was right there and likely studying her every moves.

She looked down to see what sort of state she was in- though also to cover the heat rising on her cheeks- that he was waiting for her to wake up, only to find no outward indication that anything had happened to her. All she remembered was seeing him before seeing the akuma and her instinct took over to- she couldn't recollect what had transpired soon after.

She looked back up confused, "Wha- ah- what happened? Why am I here? How did I get here? Why are you still here?" The questions babbled out of her throat like quickfire as she struggled to collect her thoughts.

She felt as if something was slightly off about him as she looked at him. There was a dark glint in his eyes, which seemed to have devoured the usual stoic look he had, but she could tell the longer he stayed in front of her, the more it faded- like it's intent was not towards her. It made her relax slightly, though, she still made note to be slightly on guard.

He (she still didn't know his blasted name) was unpredictable (yet here she was, feeling and acting like she knew him for thousands of years).

The air seemed to dance around him, or more accurately, it was his energy which was being released into the atmosphere and dispelling into it's surroundings like it's purpose was complete. She could see the tiny particles of black still fizzing out of him, and she wondered what type of magic he had been using that the aftermath of it was so exuberant.

"Well just imagine my surprise when the little fairy was able to manage creating a rather strong protection spell, so much so that the colour reminded me of the sphere that I was trapped in."

"What does that- are you saying- I casted it? How?" She whispered the last part in disbelief, because how had she been able to protect him so intensely.

In all honesty, she had assumed (and even hoped) after she basically blacked out from her memory, he had swooped in to save her from the akuma, but she realised how unrealistic that sounded when he probably didn't even know what it even was in the first place.

He nodded curtly at her, coming closer and allowing himself to casually take a seat at the edge of the bed, just were her feet were, causing her to jolt at the difference in temperature. Why was he so cold? (What she didn't realise was that it wasn't him, but the discarded fragments of energy still flowing out of his life force. It was colder than his normal temperature). Rather than protesting about it- she could tell he may have felt drained from letting out a lot of energy (what for? She still didn't know)- she curled her legs inwards so she was now in a sitting position with her knees close to her chest and her feet still under the covers, savouring the warmth that her own body heat had created during her rest.

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