Part III: Chapter 8

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So I've almost finished writing part iii chapter 10 and I have started 11 and I just have the epilogue to complete before we are done with the main story!!!!! Omg I'm so happy. Writing this story was truly the highlight of my year this year and I am a bit sad to see the main story be finished. Of course there will be extra chaps as I've said before but those will come out more slowly as I will be beginning to write the other story I had planned to make after this. 

I feel so bittersweet.


His father stood at a door in the final memory he had to see. And unlike most of the memories Adrien had seen before, he actually recognised the door they were on front of. He knew who was on the other side before his father had even pushed the door open quietly and entered the room.

His father slowly moved closer to the large bed, where a small lump was in the middle, soundly asleep. It was Adrien, younger than he even remembered himself, not even completely grown into his appearance of now. Vaguely, he recalled that this was before his father had started training him properly. 

Speaking oh his father, he just stared at Adrien for a bit, making him feel uncomfortable as he wondered, had this ever happened before? He didn't even know what was going on through his father's mind as he stared at the small and vulnerable Adrien sleeping on front of him. What sort of cruel things had he been thinking looking at the frail child? What sort of manipulative ways had he been conjuring to use on the defenceless little kid sleeping so quietly on front of him?

From almost out of nowhere- though Adrien caught the small wave of his hand- a butterfly materialised in front of him, fluttering louder than the breaths his father was taking. And it was then that Adrien's suspicion for why his father had even entered his room was almost, if not already completely confirmed. If that didn't confirm it, the next action showed what Adrien had dreaded the most. 

His father sent the butterfly into Adrien.

And everything made so much sense. 

How he had been so susceptible to his father's teachings. How no matter how hard he had tried, he couldn't break free of the large shadow which trapped him, like a cage he couldn't escape. How even though he knew his father was wrong, even though his time away from his father and with Marinette had taught him that, he would still come back, he would still obey eventually. His father always had the means to control him, the only reason he couldn't completely was because he hadn't known back then just how unwilling Adrien's soul was. Just how much it would fight to keep him from becoming the puppet of the former Lune Supreme.

He hadn't anticipated the strength of his son, despite his need for his son to be the strongest, especially after the knowledge of his God blood and destiny came to light. Only he wanted to use it to engulf the masses into darkness.

So even with the butterfly within him, it didn't work as well as his father wanted. His control wasn't finite, only small and unreliable for the goal he had. 

It was only after he had died and after he had managed to figure out and refine the details of his dark craft, that he understood, for him to fully control Adrien, their souls had to meld into one.

Adrien wondered if Marinette had a semblance of understanding that something like this would happen, and so their bond became thicker than the barrier between Luneith and Soleria. Had her reason for imprisoning him also been for her to establish their soul bond properly so his father had no chance of ever fully controlling him. Because with their souls intertwined, Hawkmoth could never do so. 

If so, Adrien found himself thanking her more, even if her actions were only a coincidence. Though knowing her, it never was.

Adrien wished he could see her again, rather than his father who was doing his utmost best to gain full control of him, something he knew now would never completely happen. But that didn't mean Hawkmoth didn't have some control, especially since the akuma had been residing in him for a long time.

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