Part II: Chapter 1

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Hello. I'm back. I finished my exams so I'm going to try spend a lot of time writing.

I started watching the donghua i.e Chinese anime for Love between fairy and devil and it is so different to the drama. There's this thing that happens to her body (i'm not gonna say cuz spoilers) and my jaw just dropped. It was kind of funny though. The whole thing is just really funny. I definitely recommend it.

Anyways, welcome to part 2.


When Marinette opened her eyes, it took her a while to recollect her thoughts and realise that the gold and emerald ceiling, adorned with the most wonderful of images and delicate runes- depicting a story of a ladybug who met a cat- was part of a room she had never been in before.

And she panicked.

She quickly shot up into a sitting position and winced at the stinging sensation littered all across the top half of her body and almost had to lay back down again. She instead grabbed the very soft and very warm covers that had been on her and threw them off of her, immediately shivering as air, cooler than she was used to, hit her at full force. She moved her legs to go over the edge of the large bed she was on, but before she could even reach the edge, a hand caught her and pulled her back down causing her to yelp and fall straight into a very sturdy chest.

"Ow," she murmured as she lifted her head up and rubbed her forehead.

"Where are you going?" his deep voice vibrated off of his chest and it was clear that he had just woken up. 

"I-uh-" she couldn't think of anything to say as images of death and destruction went through her head. She didn't even move as everything that had transpired beforehand flooded into her memory and she was reminded of the hurt and the heartache and the betrayal and the pain, "It's all my fault!" 

A hand came up to her head and patted her, sort of awkwardly, "You can't blame yourself for everything. There are multiple people at fault here, myself included."

She didn't expect him to admit it and so she looked up at him, her eyes already glossed with tears just from everything that came back from her, "Why couldn't I just be like any normal fairy who was afraid of you? Why did I have to be the one to be sucked into that prison and help you escape? How did I not even know it was you? I'm so-ugh"

His other hand had come up to squeeze her cheeks to stop her from talking, which caused her face to be pressed into a pout, "Do you really want to be afraid of me, bug?"

Truthfully, "No," she sniffled, once he released her face.

He sighed and closed his eyes trying to look into exactly what she was feeling, bringing her head to lay on his chest once he was able to grasp onto her tender emotions, and she let him, "I know you want to cry, so go ahead. I can show you around later."

She let herself do exactly that, silently letting the tears fall down onto his likely expensive clothing- but definitely more casual than any other clothing she had seen him in-and occasionally letting out more sniffles and whimpers which were muffled by his chest. 

She still couldn't believe how easy it was for people to switch their opinion on someone. How the second they did one thing wrong in the eyes of others, they were ostracised by everyone. They didn't even know the whole story. They just assumed the worst- and she knew, she knew that for some, including Luka, Adrien was the worst they had seen or heard of. He had never acted to Luka how he had towards her. They had been enemies for over 70,000 years. They had hated each other, though she believed that Luka hated Adrien more- Adrien really only seemed to find him as more of a nuisance (that was until he had learned that she had been hurt by him and his hatred for the snake increased by tenfold). She understood to some degree, she knew why Luka had felt so betrayed. But she did not understand why he looked at her with such... she didn't even want to recall the look on his face when he had looked at her those last times, but she couldn't get it out of her head.

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