Snakes for Friends

Start from the beginning

Eben had expected her to flee into the water with the child when she saw him, or perhaps bare her fangs at him. But instead, she'd looked at him with deep, sad, eyes. The next morning, left in front of his tent, was a huge red snapper speared on a sharp stick.

His second encounter hadn't been so wholesome, though. The then 20-year-old had been sent out on a mission by a group of highwaymen to rob a farmer. When the place was found abandoned, Eben figured he and the other recruits would have to return empty-handed.

That was before they saw the creature in the field.

Standing elegantly shimmering in the morning sun, was a stunningly white unicorn. The others were convinced it would be a great idea to capture the beast and bring it back instead. Eben was unconvinced and argued against the idea strongly.

Later, when the unicorn—now stained pink with crimson blood, and dripping bits of viscera from its fangs— chased him down the road, Eben had never been so grateful he'd listened to his instincts.

That is to say, monsters were to be respected with a healthy dose of fear.

Though with any risk, came reward. Such an isolated village in a precarious such as this would have access to untapped riches ripe for the taking. Lots of monsters around meant access to rare items that couldn't be found in other areas. Jackalope horns, phoenix feathers, cockatrice scales...the potential was limitless.

The redhead is pulled from his reverie as they approach the entrance to Nǣdre Tor. Surrounding the village was a massive wall of mossy boulders. Even the gate to the village was embedded into a large onyx-black boulder, rusted and worn metal contrasting against the smooth, black stone.

"Look at that carving!" Claudia exclaims in awe.

Eben follows her line of sight. Above the gate is a painstakingly carved depiction of a snake about to strike. He marvels at the artistry of the work; each scale is masterfully articulated into the ebony rock. Even the smallest details of the serpent's eyes delicately glisten in the afternoon sun. "It's beautiful..."

"Beautiful?" Boris snorts, "more like freaky. Nothing says fuck off like a slimy snake."

Eben rolls his eyes, but Boris makes a good point, surprisingly. There's a message being communicated clearly; tread lightly.

Claudia approaches the gate, roughly punching Eben in the shoulder as she passes him. "C'mon you yellowbellies, I'm not gonna let that keep me from my loot."

The redhead grins, resisting the urge to rub his sore shoulder, and follows her lead.

Getting into the village is easier than planned. The bandit had figured their ragtag group might be met with some suspicion or outright hostility, but the guard only side-eyes them when they request entry. He doesn't even have any weapons, Eben notes.

They don't get a much warmer welcome once inside. The locals stare the newcomers down, wary. Eben pulls his hood more securely over his head, the last thing they need is to get run out of town over his pointy ears.

Boris leans over, whispering to Eben. "Look! Everyone in this village is wearing jewelry! We hit the jackpot!"

True to the man's word, every woman, man, and child seemed to wear a pendant of an intricately carved serpent around their neck. It wasn't just that, either; at every entrance to every home, there are paintings, statutes, and carvings of serpents. Even on the bridge they pass over, there are snakes carved into the rails. It's a little off-putting, to say the least.

Eben tries to clear his mind by stroking Fairy's mane. He was allowing himself to get spooked over nothing...It's just a creepy village, nothing more.

His fears are quickly dismissed though as they approach their target. The market is bustling, the townspeople eagerly buying and selling various goods. Eben eyes up each stall, trying to judge which might be the best to start with. His eye is caught when he notices an artisan selling wares. 

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