Chapter 13: Do you like dragons?

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Natsu's POV~

Guys let's get something clear...i don't have the best memory. Not because I've gotten old or something. Nope, mainly because i don't pay attention while something important is being told to me and i'm well aware of my bad habit but c'mon i try to pay attention but it is so boring. But i do pay attention sometimes, like when i myself find something important. you want an example? well now i'll have to remember...


YES!!! GOT IT!!! the day i met my number one friend Lucy and well also the day when i met Erza and Jellal (i guess you already know how that happened) and also when i met Happy( lets keep that for later) right now lets get back to Lucy...A nice trip down memory lane...

Although i wish i had some popcorn and cold coffee and pizza and cupcakes and some candy and....oh sorry i got carried away there but lets start....flashback,flashback,flashback....

I was running around in the mall like my hair were on fire but i couldn't find her, where the hell is she. Seriously, i don't get it how can girls shop the whole day long coz i was exhausted and i hadn't even finished searching around half of the building so i decided to take a snack break.

I walked into a cafe and there she was.

"What the hell ?! I have been looking for you everywhere and you are sitting here having coffee"

"What i don't even know you plus you crushed me so hard its still paining " she said.

"Oh I'm sorry about that" I apologized.

"Its okay. you don't have to, ah whats your name?"

"its Natsu Dragoneel" I said.

Just then my stomach growled. Damn i was hungry!

"i guess you're hungry, lets eat something and you tell me why you were looking for me...okay?"


Lucy called the waiter. She only ordered a doughnut and i ordered everything on the menu except a few things which i don't like. When the waiter arrived with our food , i started stuffing myself immediately. Lucy laughed.

"what?" i raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing its just that you look so cute while eating" she says.

"yaa, right" i said sarcastically.

"no really, didn't anybody tell that to you earlier" she asks.

"nope, you are the first one to say that" I said.

"Awww" she said. "Your cheeks are red. You're blushing" she said.

"I'm not!" I snapped.

"oh well...tell me why were you looking for me?"

"first i need to make sure that you are the me your hand" I say.

she did what i said and i was right.  she was the one,the something, something of the zodiac. Like i told you not the best memory because i wasn't paying attention. "wait till Jellal sees you" i beamed.

That is when I remembered the tiny detail. "Shit! i forgot where was i suppose to meet the others" I said.

Damn it!! I seriously need to practise paying attention.

"Do you like dragons? Because if you come with us you might meet one" I say. Trying to convince her to come with us. But she didn't really look that convinced.

She looked more confused.

'Way to go Natsu!'

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