Chapter 10: He is pretty hot...

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''I'm sorry i thought you were mom i didn't mean anything its just-''the blue-haired girl who welcomed us said while crying.

''its okay we get it you didn't mean anything wrong. please stop crying'' Jellal said consoling the blue haired girl.

'he is so nice to everyone. he is always so cool and collected...that's the best part about him' i thought to myself. i felt this weird feeling inside whenever i was with Jellal. i never felt that way for anyone.

''right Erza?!"Jellal interrupted my thoughts.''huh? uh..yeah'' i said blankly.

''are you okay?, you look so blank'' Jellal said he sounded concerned. He looks so cute when he has got this expression on his face.

"yes, i'm fine'' i said.

Just then the doorbell rang.''it must be mom''the girl said. She ran towards the door, opened it and hugged whatever person standing there not even looking at who it was. This time it was Gray.

''um..excuse me but can you let go of me because you are crushing me and its hard to breathe''Gray said.

''oh!!! im sorry sorry sorry sorry'' she began crying again.

"Our fight ain't over pinky! You took my apple. I'm sure of it" Gray says.

"I didn't take your stupid apple you idiot" Natsu said. "In fact you took mine!!" Natsu said.

''Juvia!! What is happening?? where is Steve??"there a woman standing there ith a questioning look.

"Mom!!!!!! HE LEFT AND WE BROKE UP!!!! he said that he didn't want to hang out with me anymore because everywhere we go it starts raining and then everything is ruined...i'm horrible, i just a useless girl who can never do anything right"the blue head wailed.

"um...i know its your personal matter but i just want to say that Never change yourself so that other people like. Be yourself and the right people love for who you are"Gray said to the girl.

"thank you"she replied. I could see that she was blushing.

"hey Juvia i think you should try going out with this guy. i think he is a nic e person and he pretty hot too"the girl mother wispered to her.

"you think so?"

"yes"her mother replied. As they watched Natsu and Grey argue.

"uh..anyway who are you guys?"the girl asked.
We introduced ourselves to the girl and the mother."Oh!!I'm Juvia, Juvia Lockser. How can i help you?!" Juvia said.

"umm...Mrs.Lockser we need to talk to Juvia alone" Jellal said kindly.

"uh people talk, I'll get something to eat" after saying so Mrs.Lockser walked off.

After she was gone we told everything to she was excited about the whole situation.

"this sounds so exciting and this way people will not see me as a cursed girl." She said.

Even after all this, Natsu and Gray argued about the stupid apples.

"Enough with the apples!! What's wrong with you two?!" I said.

"We were at the tree and were eating apples. Then suddenly two of my apples were gone!" Gray said.
"Where did they go? Pinky's huge stomach which is never full!" He said.

"No! I didn't eat em! In fact he ate mine!" Natsu said.

"Shut up! You ate mine!"

"No you ate mine!"

"Shut up both of you! Let's go to this apple tree and get to the bottom if this!" I say.

When we got to the tree. We didn't really get to the bottom of the mystery of the missing apples..but we did find an egg. By an egg I mean a giant egg. Natsu decided to keep it since he thought it might be a dragon egg.

Gray and I didn't argue.

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