Chapter 8: You guys are talking weird...

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So, In the end we only ordered three coffees and doughnuts. When the brought us our order, Jellal asked "Excuse me, but can we talk to you after your shift is over?"

"Why? what do you want?" He asked examining us carefully.

"Actually we want to talk about the birth mark you have on your chest" Jellal said

"Oh, Okay! you can come by at 7 in the evening...that is when we close down" he said and walked away.

As it was decided we met at 7 in the cafe. Mirajane got us tea and we got down to business.

The waiter introduced himself as Gray Fullbuster. We introduced ourselves. We explained every thing to Gray.

"you know what? you guys are talking weird" Gray said

"so you don't believe us?!" Natsu yelled at Gray.

"yes i don't!!" Gray yelled back.

"calm down, you two!!" i yelled at both of them. Seriously, these guys are a piece of work.

"Calm down, all of you" Jellal said to all of us very calmly.

"How can you be so calm about this, kellal!!" Natsu yelled at Jellal.

"umm, Natsu its Jellal" he said.

"Yeah yeah! But Ayy you Mr. Fray or whatever! You gotta come with us!" Natsu yelled at Gray.

"Its Gray!! And Shuddup pinky! You sound so ridiculous!!" He yelled.

"Are you trying to pick a fight?!" Natsu said rolling up his sleeves.

"You bet I am!!" He said.

"SHUT UP YOU TWO!!!" I said to both of them. They start yelling at me and we get into an argument.

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!!!" Jellal says. We quite down and sit.

"Let me explain this to you, Gray" Jellal said

"okay fine, please do"

"If we are talking crap,then how do you explain the birth mark? how can all of us have the same mark? is this a coincidence? i can also show you the map the dragon gave me and if all this just stupidity then you can always come back and live your regular life, there is no harm in just checking out, is there??" Jellal explained.

Gray raised an eyebrow.

Jellal took out the map and gave it to Gray. Gray examined the map and gave it back.

"if you don't want to come its Okay, we'll not force you" Jellal stood up to leave

"but Jellal-" i started to say but he cut me off

"lets go,Erza" Jellal said

"how can you-" Natsu was about say but Jellal cut him off too.

"Didn't you hear me? lets go" Jellal said.

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