"Do I have an older brother?" Jeff yelled.

"Please stop yelling," his mother was in tears.

"Why are you avoiding answering my question?"

"Son stop yelling and calm down," Jeff's father who had snatched the phone from his wife said, "why are you meddling in the past, leave the past in the past!"

"Do I have a fucken older brother!" Jeff yelled, "I have a right to know the truth!"

Jeff's father released a long, harsh sigh and then said, "I can explain, but first you need to calm down!"

"Speak father," Jeff said, "or I swear to you on all that is holy that....."

"Fine," his father sounded defeated, "your mother was raped a few months before I started dating her."

Jeff's heart hammered against his chest, "What!"

"It's true son, when I met her she was already pregnant, but I was in love with her and stayed by her side throughout the entire ordeal."

"Who raped her?" Jeff asked in a broken voice, and Claire wrapped her arms around his waist for support, "who did that to my mother!"

"Now now son, calm down, it doesn't matter who done it, it is over and done with and we don't want to rehash the past , it's too hurtful and it will also stir up a lot of gossip."

"So all these years the rapist got away with it?"

"Only because we kept it under raps to save your mothers reputation," his father said, "you must understand son that back then people didn't talk about rape and they would never have believed that it was rape to begin with, and your mother would have been ruined if word got out, so she went away for months supposedly to a school in New York, and when the baby was born she gave it up for adoption and then she came back home and I married her."

Jeff was too stunned to speak, Claire had to grab the iPhone for his hand and finish the call, "I'm sorry Jeff can't speak right now, I'm so sorry you were put in this difficult situation to have to explain the past."

"We were hoping to never have to explain this awful event to our children, and preferred to forget it ever happened. We have moved on with our lives and are happily married." 

"So sorry," Claire said, "but the fact does remain that Jeff and his siblings have a brother out there somewhere that they have never met, and that is not fair to them." Claire explained, "maybe we can come to Illinois to pay you all a visit and have a nice long much needed talk."

"Yes perhaps that would be the best course of action." Jeff's father admitted, "we will be waiting to hear from you when you will come and we are looking forward to meeting our granddaughter too."


"Is something wrong?" Carol asked, "you seem distraught."

"I'm fine," Jacob said, and threw her a smile to die for.

Carol leaned her head back and closed her eyes to relax, they were on Steven's private plane heading back to California.

Jacob stole a glance in Bella's direction, she was fussing with her baby girl and Jacob smiled to himself. Anthony would have been very proud of Bella were he here, Jacob thought, and then swallowed a lump in his throat, were it not for Carol he would have married Bella and they would have had a beautiful life together with her beautiful little girl.

Jacob's eyes dropped to the swell of Bella's breasts, but he caught himself just in time and quickly averted his gaze. Lately he has caught himself dreaming of things he had no right to dream. Jacob was disturbed by that fact and wondered why he was doing that, Carol was a very beautiful young woman and he loved her.

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now