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To become a Taronyu or warrior, in any Na'vi tribe, you have to complete an Iknimaya. It is a fundamental right of passage, though it may be treacherous. The task differs depending on the clan. For example, Neteyam once told me that the final task for the Omaticaya is to bond with an Ikran, atop the Ayram alusìng (floating mountains). For Metkayina warriors, the task is to bond with a Skimwing.

Another task that is to be completed is bonding with a Tulkun spirit brother/sister. Though for Lo'ak Sully, that wasn't a difficult one. His training has been short due to the fact he had completed that task long before his Iknimaya even started. Lo'ak easily passed his hunting task, as he has done it other times before. He also completed his fighting. Now, all he has to do is bond and tame a Skimwing, which I'm slightly worried about. Skiwmwing are wild when not bonded, and snap at anything that comes their way. That's what warriors face though. It's all part of the process, I try to reassure myself, but it never seems to help. Once Lo'ak completes his Iknimaya, he will be awarded with a special Cumberbund, a tattoo, and three beads for his songcord- all marking him as a warrior and he will be considered an adult. Maybe then my parents will accept him.

"Are you ready?" I ask Lo'ak as we walk towards the shore for his final task, his hand in mine.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Lo'ak replies, his words uncertain. He's nervous, obviously, and has every right to be. This is a big step in his life and he doesn't want to fail.

"You'll do just fine, Lo'ak." I try to reassure him. "Just remember, like an Ikran, you must tie the Skimwing's mouth shut first, then mount him, create the bond, and seal it with your first ride."

"Yes," Lo'ak nods, "I know." He stops walking, tugging at my arm, stopping me as well. We stop just in front of the water, and the tide pulls in and out at our feet. "Thank you, Tsaeyla." Lo'ak says to me, looking at me with sincere eyes.

I only smile at the Na'vi in front of me. Lo'ak pulls me closer to him before leaning forward and resting his forehead against mine, his eyes closed. I do the same, just resting in the moment. "Eywa ngahu (May Eywa be with you)." I whisper, pulling away. I place my hands on Lo'ak's shoulders and his hands hold at my biceps. He gives me one last nod before we let go and Lo'ak moves into the water, towards my father who is waiting farther out.

I make my way towards a small group of Na'vi, including my Mother, Aonung, Tsireya, the Sully's and Spider, and a few warriors. We all watch as my father explains something to Lo'ak before stepping aside. Once he is far enough away, my father calls for a Skimwing and we all wait anxiously for it to arrive.

Lo'ak stands in the water before us, on high alert. He looks at the water around him, waiting for the wild creature to arrive. When it does arrive, everyone can tell since Lo'ak suddenly dragged under the water by something- seemingly the Skimwing. Though we can't tell what Is happening from above the water, I'm assuming Lo'ak fought his way out of the Skimwing's hold and he emerges back above the water seconds later, only to dive in again. I don't realize I'm holding my breath until I feel a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my worried trance. I turn to face Tsireya, who tries to give me a reassuring smile. I try my best to return it before looking back out towards the water. Lo'ak still hasn't come back from underneath the water, but I try my best not to panic right away. This takes time. It doesn't happen in a minute.

What feels like hours- though In reality is only about a few minutes, the anxious anticipation finally comes to an end as Lo'ak finally appears, soaring out of the water, on top of the Skimwing that is now his.

"Sivako! (Let's go/ Rise to the challenge)" Lo'ak yells in hooray as he guides his Skimwing above the water, before diving back in. Overcome by pride and excitement, I let out a few yips in excitement and pump my fist into the air. A few others join in the applause. Without hesitation, I run into the water and call for my Ilu who is at my side in seconds. I quickly mount her before we speed off towards Lo'ak.

Lo'ak doesn't even notice that I'm making my way towards him, as he is too distracted by the joy in his own success.

I call out to him, "Lo'ak!" He quickly turns at the mention of his name. When Lo'ak spots me, the smile on his face only grows bigger. "You did it!"


"I knew you could!" I smile. "I wasn't worried, not even for a second." I joke, and Lo'ak laughs at my sarcasm.

"Wow, I'm glad you had so much faith in me!" Lo'ak raises his eyebrows and lets out another laugh. He shakes his head before reaching his hand into the water and splashing it at me.

I gasp, "Skxawng!" And splash him back, beginning a water war.

"Well done, Lo'ak te Suli Tseyek'itan." I hear my fathers voice from behind me, interrupting Lo'ak and I's playful fight. Lo'ak quickly becomes serious in the presence of the Olo'eyktan. "You are now a Taronyu." 

word count: 960

a.n: holy moly guys! The last chapter is tomorrow! Ahhhh! Thanks for everyone who has been reading this story! 🫶🏼

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