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I cling onto the pink shell as I rush back to my Marui. My stress and disappointment cause my breathing to be uneven and my gaze jumps around, from object to object as I pass. I half expected to be alone when I arrived back home, allowing me to curl up in a corner somewhere in my room and be alone with my own overthinking thoughts, but I am quickly disappointed as I walk inside.

"Tsaeyla? Daughter, ngaru lu fpom srak? (Are you well/ do you have peace?)" My mothers voice asks, noticing my panicked state. My Father is beside her and has a concerned look on his face as he looks at me.

I look at my mother and anger fills me, but I don't let it show just yet. "Kehe." I shake my head, knowing I can't lie to her- or anyone for that matter (I'm terrible at it).

"What troubles you, Tsaeyla?" My father asks, getting up from his spot on the floor and moving to rest a comforting hand on my shoulder- just like Lo'ak had done.

I struggle to let the words leave my mouth but I then remember the shell I hold in my hands. I look down and reveal the small object to my parents, who quickly catch on.

"Who gave this to you?" My mother questions me and stands up, a neutral tone in her voice as she speaks. I'm unable to tell if she is upset or excited that someone has professed their love to me- though I know what she will be once I share who it is.

My eyes flicker between the shell and my parents. "Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan." I answer truthfully, my voice small.

"The forest boy?" My mothers lip twitches as she asks for clarification, though she very well knows who it is.


"Why would he do such a thing?" My mothers voice becomes a bit harsh. "Who does that boy think he is?"

"That boy?" I repeat, irritated. "Is it so wrong for Lo'ak to speak his feelings?"

My father moves towards my mother and quickly begins speaking before my mother and I start to bicker. "There is nothing wrong with him speaking his feelings, but he should know that it could never happen." My father answers. "Did you tell him you are to marry a warrior?"

"Yes." I nod before looking at the ground as I remember the moment clearly.

"Good, because as of your next birthday you are to be betrothed to Koah." My mother says suddenly. My eyes go wide. Koah! He is a strong warrior and I've heard good things about him, but I don't want to marry him!

"No!" I protest and both of my parents look at me, surprised at my reaction.

"Excuse me?" My mother says sternly.

"No." I repeat. "I don't want to marry Koah. I refuse!"

My father asks me, "Tsaeyla, why would you do such a thing?"

"I-I love Lo'ak." I tell my parents, using all the bravery I can muster to finally confess. They both have shocked expressions.

"Tsaeyla, we cannot allow this." My mother shakes her head.

"You cannot control who I love."

"My daughter, he is not a warrior and you know the ways. You must marry a warrior." My father explains as If I do not already know.

"Lo'ak was training to be a warrior back with the Omatikaya tribe. He can continue his training here!" I point out and stomp slightly.

"This is unacceptable, young lady!" My mother makes her way over to me, pointing a finger in my direction.

I repeat, "I refuse to marry Koah."

My Mother lets out a frustrated sigh and turns around to face my father. They share a silent, non verbal conversation with only looks- something they've perfected over the years when having to make decisions around other people.

"The Sully boy will have a chance to prove himself." My Father finally decides and tells me after my mother turns back around to face me. "Once he becomes a warrior... I'm sure we can reconsider your betrothal." 

word count: 688

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