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Upendi is a spot on the other side of the island that most teen Metkayina think is a secret. It's really just a place for teens to do things they wouldn't normally do around their parents. Upendi means love, so maybe now you understand why they want it to be secret- though all the adults know about it.

I've been there a few times myself, for the occasionally unsupervised party, but never for the reason others go. If I did, I'm sure my parents would punish me for life.

"What's Upendi?" Lo'ak asks me, randomly, while we swim around the reef on our Ilu.

"Kempe? (What?)" My eyes go wide as I am taken aback by his sudden words. I look over at Lo'ak, "Upendi? Pelun? (Why?)"

Lo'ak shrugs, "I don't know... I just heard some kids talking about it."

"Upendi is a spot on the other side of the island. Lots of teens go there." I answer simply. A small smirk tries to spread across my lips, but I don't let it, as I keep an important detail from Lo'ak.

"We should go." Lo'ak suggests, innocently, and I fail to hold back my laughter. "What?"

"Lo'ak, it's a hook up spot." I say in between laughs. I look over at Lo'ak, who scratches the back of his neck in fwíng (embarrassment).

" 'ä' ! (oops!)" Lo'ak laughs awkwardly. "I did not know that."

"Oh, really?" I answer sarcastically, a smile on my face. "It's not all that fun there anyways." I shrug before signaling my Ilu to begin swimming again.

"You've been?" Lo'ak asks, following close behind me.

"Srane," I nod. "For small parties and things like that."

"Well.. maybe we should go." Lo'ak suggests again. I look back at him, a shocked expression on my face. This is very bold of him. He remains silent for a moment before a smirk suddenly creeps onto his face. "I'm joking!"

I let out a sigh of relief and exasperation. "Skxawng! Eltu si! (Stop goofing!)" I move towards Lo'ak before pushing his shoulder, sending him back a bit while he laughs.

"Ok, seriously now though, we should go somewhere! Do something!"

I smile, "We are doing something!"

Lo'ak shrugs, "I wanna do something else now."

"Fine." I sigh before sliding off my Ilu and into the water. "Come on." Before Lo'ak even gets off his Ilu, I move underwater and begin to swim down towards the bottom- which isn't that far down. After a couple seconds, Lo'ak is by my side, following me to the reef floor.

Lo'ak signs, "What are we doing?" A confused expression on his face as he asks.

"Something!" I sign back and we continue swimming.

Lo'ak and his family have improved at free-diving greatly. They can all almost hold their breath for as long as most Metkayina- meaning they didn't have to go up for air that much anymore.

Eventually, Lo'ak stops swimming and I do too, when I notice him. He reaches down and picks up a small shell before handing it to me. A Pink shell.

I look down at it, unable to tear my eyes away from it as a million thoughts run through my mind. Does he mean it? Does he even know what this means? This isn't another joke, right?

In the Meykayina tribe, all shells have different meanings, pinks being love- upendi. It is given from one Metkayina to another, usually as a confession.

I finally look up at the Na'vi in front of me, who has a small smile resting on his lips. I can't help but mirror his expression, for a moment, but then panic flashes through my mind. This can complicate so many things. 

a.n: you thought it was another cute little chapter.... well it is, but just wait till the next one 🙊 🙊 one word: drama....

word count: 643

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