Happiness doesn't last Forever

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The Tulkun arrived in the evening, songs of sadness and distress being sung by them all. My parents were quick to listen to their cries, gathering a few warriors from the clan, Toruk Makto and his mate, and me. We all set out beyond the reef, following the sad Tulkun in the rain. It was a long, silent, and worrisome journey before we arrived at our destination. The larger group of Tulkun surrounded two dead, though who it was, remained unclear. It wasn't until we got a closer look and I heard my mother begin to cry out, I figured out who it was. My mother dismounted her Ilu before swimming over to the Tulkun and the calf.

"Her name was Ro'a." My father says, a tone of sadness in his voice.

"She was my spirit sister." My mother adds, "She was the composer of songs. We would sing together. She waited many breeding cycles to have this calf. The clan was so happy for her!" My mother cries. "What is this, Tonowari? What is this!"

My father lets out a sad sigh and my mother continues to weep beside her sister. I turn my gaze away from the Tulkun, hiding the tears I now shed from anyone around. Ro'a was truly great. She will be missed by many.


Arriving back at Awa'atlu, the clan awaits the news, desperate to know what has happened to the Tulkun. My father calls a meeting and everyone gathers, quicker than I've ever seen before.

Neteyam and Lo'ak find me by my siblings. Lo'ak whispers to me, "What happened?" But before I can answer, my mother begins.

"My spirit sister and her baby have been murdered by the sky people." She announces angrily and many yips and cries of anger are heard from around the crowd. I can't help but shudder. Lo'ak feels this, pulling me closer to him and he rests his arm around my waist in a comforting manner.

"This war has come to us! We knew about this hunting of our Tulkun people, but it was over the horizon far away. Now it is here!" My father shouts before he glares wildly, his face contorting into Pukuna. From beside me, my brother does the same, as well as many others around the clan.

"You have to understand how the sky people think!" Jake Sully suddenly speaks up. "They don't care about the great balance." He explains.

"Death to the sky people!" A warrior yells from somewhere behind me.

Neteyam speaks up, "Listen! Listen to him!"

"The sky people are not going to stop. This is only the beginning." Jake Sully says quickly. "You gotta tell your Tulkun to leave! You gotta tell them to go far away!"

I gasp, "Leave?" I pull away from Lo'ak's comforting hold as I become angry, and step forward, closer to my brother and Rotxo.

"You live among us.. And you've learned nothing!" My mothers says, outraged at Jake Sully.

"We will fight to protect our brothers and sisters!" Another warrior yells, slamming his fist to his chest before yips erupt from around the group.

"No! No! No!" Jake Sully yells. "If you attack, if you fight, they will destroy you!" He displays a slicing motion with his hands. "They will destroy everything that you love! Hear my words!" Jake Sully tries his best to encourage the clan not to fight, but they only want to do so more as he continues.

I can't help but let out a few yips myself as I become furious with the sky people.

"Stay calm! Stay calm!" Neteyam tells people in the clan, he even looks at me for a moment, pleading. "Please, listen to my father. He speaks the truth."

"Dammit!" I hear Jake Sully yell before grabbing something from his mate and moving to stand upon the higher platform, for everyone to see him as he lifts an object into the air. The crowd goes silent. Jake Sully holds a sharp, red object that I've never seen before. That none of us have ever seen before. "You tell the Tulkun that If they are hit by one of these, they are marked for death. Saving their lives, that's all that matters, right? Saving your family."

My parents share a look before my father begins again, "Tell the Tulkun. Go. Go!"

From behind me, Lo'ak pushes past quickly. I instantly know where he is going, and so does Neteyam, as he is already two steps ahead of me, following his brother. 

word count: 756

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